Trump/SA: How white victimhood is linked to white supremacy
Rural violence is a huge problem in South Africa that deserves a strong response. But white people are not the only casualties.
Rural violence is a huge problem in South Africa that deserves a strong response. But white people are not the only casualties.
Although SA still faces severe headwinds regarding workplace equity, there seems to be a broader societal shift. Here’s what Wits is doing.
The digital revolution has opened unimagined opportunities, but it comes with a threat of leaving the most vulnerable workers behind.
A packed Great Hall was abuzz with excitement as the 2025 cohort of postgraduate students convened for their Orientation and Welcome on 5 February.
Simon Gush’s visual art and academic research are interconnected.
Christmas came early for almost 800 talented Wits students who had their student debt cleared this week, amounting to R63 million collectively.
Students and staff from all South African public universities can now access free wi-fi at 36 libraries owned by the City of Johannesburg.
Work isn't static. It changes as we change. In this issue, we turn to our researchers as we grapple with the evolving nature of work and an unknown future.
[Editorial] AI, Africa, equity, skills, burnout, toxic workplaces, semigration, sex work, and retirement, all in this issue of Curios.ty.
What impact does the changing world of work have on how higher education is delivered to students?
The challenge for universities is to produce graduates who can work with others to produce knowledge and research that can change societies for the better.
Q&A: Academic stress and pressure can lead students to use unhealthy choices such as medication cocktails, energy drinks and supplements.
Whether we’re socialising, shopping, banking, studying or working, billions of people around the world spend hours each day online.
Voice of Wits FM has distinguished itself as the best campus station at the 2024 Telkom Radio Awards where they scooped five awards.
Our research impacted humans, animals and machines, while our students’ side hustles drove innovation, and our scholars deepened our knowledge.
It was a year of establishment and growth for the Wits Innovation Centre (WIC) as it broke new ground to coordinate and encourage innovation across Wits.
Season's greetings from Professor Zeblon Vilakazi, Vice-Chancellor and Principal of Wits University.
Wits Press commemorated 100 years of publishing excellence with the launch of the book 'Publishing from the South: A Century of Wits University Press'.
The Wits Postgraduate Merit Scholarship (PMS) was launched in 2023 with funding from a generous alumnus of Wits.
Carnegie Mellon University Africa announced today that it will expand its digital public infrastructure initiative across the continent.
Nobel laureate Maria Ressa believes South Africa’s traditional media is strong, but that won’t last, posing an ongoing threat to democracy.
The exhibition presents an in-depth artistic response to a scientific subject – the 2.8-million-year-old Taung Child skull.
The Machine Intelligence and Neural Discovery (MIND) Institute advances AI research, exploring machine, human, and animal intelligence.
After major refurbishments, the old Johannesburg Planetarium has been transformed into the state-of-the-art Wits Anglo American Digital Dome.
After 64 years, the Johannesburg Planetarium has been upgraded featuring new cutting-edge digital projectors that will enhance its role in science education.
Interviews with women who have staged naked protests reveal this is not just a shock tactic, but a powerful way of claiming their voices and their dignity.
South Africa’s government of national unity forged after the 2024 elections refutes the claim that there are two antagonistic political camps.
A tribute to pioneering South African psychologist Chabani Manganyi.
This inaugural award enables a talented young writer to pursue an MA in Creative Writing at Wits thereby ensuring that Dangor’s legacy endures.
A bold academic who is not afraid to get dirty - this is how young minds and ambassadors describe Prof. Achille Mbembe.
National research associations have awarded accolades to Witsies across a range of scholarly disciplines as well as in research management and ethics.
Vusi 'The Voice' Mahlasela received a standing ovation at the 2024 Vice-Chancellor’s Annual Concert on 24 October at the Wits Chris Seabrooke Music Hall.
Chester Missing and Conrad Koch headline WiCDS 10th Annual Conference on social justice through humour.
Unless the economic benefits resulting from having the government of national unity become socially inclusive, it might well collapse.
The Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) Africa Correspondents Corps Summer Program draws to a close for Wits students.
Water expert shares guidelines on how to purify water at home in areas where there is uncertainty over water quality or poor sanitation.
Today is World Mental Health Day with an urgent call to action for employers: 'It is time to prioritise Mental Health in the workplace'.
Fak’ugesi Festival unleashes the potential that lies within communities when technology, art, and culture intersect in Africa.
This year Fak’ugesi #UntilUnlocked celebrates the exciting expansion of African digital creativity.
Africa’s biggest creative digital innovation festival is from 3 – 5 October 2024 at Wits’ Tshimologong Digital Innovation Precinct.
Proceeds from the initial R200 million sale of the Frankenwald Estate to be put into an endowment to benefit future generations.
Steve Biko’s murder exposed deep racism in how medicine was taught and practised in South Africa.
Alumni Luca Pontiggia & Yasheen Modi present HIDDEN GIANTS, a talk about black holes, the unseeable giants in our Universe, accompanied by live original music.
These reflect the Wits Innovation Centre's agility and responsiveness in continuing to grow the University’s innovation ecosystem.
Applications are now open for the Achmat Dangor Literary Prize 2024 for young writers across genres who are completing or have completed their Honours degree.
The Foundation looks to reshape discussions about democracy in Africa.
Wits PhD students Sasha Rai (L) and Phindile Tabata receive the 2024 Ivan Karp Doctoral Research Awards.
Wits recognises more than a hundred scholars for exceptional research accomplishments in 2024.
The ANC leads the unity government. If it leads South Africa back to happier times, that is most likely to benefit the ANC, rather than the DA.
TVET colleges must be strengthened to provide niche, high-quality training to counter the reality of their students’ weak, prior educational achievements.
The clumsy rules for employers to get training money back actually encourages them to give poor data.
Eight PhD students and postdocs were inducted into the programme run by the Wits Transformation and Employment Equity Office (TEEO).
To grow their entrepreneurial spirit and skills, 70 postgraduate students attended the Pan-African Entrepreneurship Week during the winter break.
Dr Solomon Assefa, the former Vice President at IBM Research, delivered the inaugural Professor Barry Dwolatzky Memorial Lecture.
One of the grant recipient projects from Wits University will investigate the role of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Kenyan activism is witnessing a shift from ethnic-based mobilisation to issue-based activism.
This addition marks a significant step forward in the ongoing efforts to preserve the University's vast archives and collections.
Natalie Zimmelman is a business leader dedicated to the development of skills, leadership, and professionalism.
Expect the private sector to play a bigger role in delivering power, transport and security.
The E-Hub marks the beginning of a new era in fostering student-led innovation and entrepreneurship.
Democracy, as a system of government by the whole population, seems to have had its heyday. Is ‘People Power’ a viable option?
Constitutional expert, Professor Cathi Albertyn, answers your questions on the South African Constitution, the bedrock of South Africa’s democracy.
Despite the knife-edge upon which South Africans live, the country is not, in fact, a failed state – but a new form of democracy is required.
Today’s news and current affairs landscape, which underpins our democracy, requires both ethical content producers and discerning consumers.
South Africans are still fighting for the right to basic water supply as enshrined in the Bill of Rights.
Journalism as an institution is facing a bleak outlook. It needs to dig deep to find ways in which to pull itself out of the well.
This issue is very timely as South Africa celebrates 30 years of democracy, and heads to the polls again on 29 May 2024.
A generation of ‘born frees’ are heading to the polls in 2024. What is the soundtrack, if any, that underscores this election year?
Traditional rituals and practices such as lobola and initiation are often misunderstood in democratic societies where they are viewed through a western lens.
Pushing a nationalist agenda and fuelling xenophobia is politicians’ way of disguising the causes of South Africa’s economic woes.
More than half of SA’s academic publications appear in Open Access sources, with Wits University embracing this trend.
Scholars in the School of Arts and the School of Education distinguished themselves at the 2024 National Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences Awards.
Exploring Portuguese-South African Relations at the Joint Freedom Celebration.
South African study shows the power of sharing daily experiences for teachers to learn how to include all learners.
Final year audiology students advance hearing health equity through activities aimed at Vrededorp and Jan Hofmeyer residents.
Science education professor envisages a theoretical construct to help high school teachers teach Chemistry – wins global recognition.
The University held its annual Postgraduate Orientation Programme from 4 – 6 March in the Great Hall and online.
Professor Eddie Webster was remembered as a beacon of wisdom.
The Tech Challenge seeks to foster partnerships between South African and Irish startups.
Water can make you ill for two reasons: it can contain chemicals or pathogenic organisms.
Edward Webster: South African intellectual, teacher, activist, a man of great energy and integrity, and the life and soul of any party.
Eddie Webster was the ultimate socially engaged academic who played a key role in the labour movement.
It is with great sadness that we learnt of the passing of Professor Edward (Eddie) Webster (82), who passed away yesterday after a short illness.
World-renowned SA-born artist donates portrait of acclaimed Afrikaans poet and alumna to WAM.
The mother tongue for millions of Deaf people in South Africa is SA Sign Language (SASL), which became the 12th official language on 19 July 2023.
The University received several queries pertaining to fees, funding, financial aid, and accommodation. Here are the many ways Wits assists students.
2023 will be remembered as the year that artificial intelligence (AI) – or, more specifically, large language models (LLMs), like ChatGPT – changed the world.
Digging for the truth has become easier and far more convenient, but distinguishing fact from fake has become more complicated in the digitised world.
Wits University hosts the Fifth International Legitimation Code Theory Conference.
The Wits Theatre complex opens its doors to this student-led festival taking place from 06 to 10 February.
Doctors Saeideh Babaee, Ashley Coates, Isaac Nape, and Matt Noakes are the 2024 Friedel Sellschop Fellows.
The African Fellowships programme advances South-North research collaboration to find solutions to global challenges.
8 Postdoc Fellows join Wits to boost research on the intersecting themes of climate change, just transition, sustainability, and inequality.
In a world fraught with anxiety, stress, and environmental and humanitarian disasters, people are looking for ways to cope.
Social workers can help children more effectively by assessing the needs of the whole family.
Cybercriminals don’t take breaks. Even seasoned internet users fall prey to these scams. Here are seven safety tips from a cybersecurity expert.
In this issue, we highlight the diversity, scope, and multi-dimensional nature of drug-related research at Wits University.
A reading list for children, tweens and teens from a Wits academic, writer and founder of Jozi’s Books and Blogs Festival.
Wits is saddened by the loss of Professor Lolwana, who recently retired as the Director of the Centre for Researching Education and Labour (REAL).
Professor Zeblon Vilakazi, Vice-Chancellor and Principal, extends thanks to Witsies for their service and sends wishes of goodwill for the holidays.
While polarisation has emerged as a defining characteristic of our age, ‘good’ ethics can navigate differences to tackle shared challenges.
Professsor Keith Klugman honoured for his work in preventing infectious diseases and a Gold Medal is awarded to a champion in heritage preservation.
Wits bids farewell to 87 retirees who have served the University well for decades.
Masters students and PhD fellows showcase quality research at the annual Cross-Faculty Postgraduate Symposium.
Experts say the White Paper’s proposals are vague and seek to solve problems that are not about immigration.
African investigative journalists gather to empower change through knowledge exchange and tech innovation.
NEWWORK23 is an exhibition of work by young artists in fulfilment of a Wits BA Fine Arts degree.
Understanding the psychological impact of loadshedding is particularly critical because the country is only just emerging from the 沙巴体育官网_2024欧洲杯博彩app@ pandemic.
Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf) awards Gold Medal to world-renowned HIV expert and inaugurates 15 Wits scholars as new members.
Wits University scholars have secured funding as a network partner of the African Engineering and Technology Network (Afretec).
Breaking barriers to intracontinental mobility is paramount and the continent must engage in closer collaboration, placing science at the forefront.
The Wits School of Education (WSoE) hosted the Department of Basic Education (DBE) to re-envision South Africa's education sector.
Higher education leaders from across the continent recently convened for the second Pan-African network's annual conference in Nairobi, Kenya.
The thorny issue of ‘race’ in South African politics: why it endures almost 30 years after apartheid ended.
A standing ovation for the Khaya Mahlangu Quintet at the inaugural Wits Vice-Chancellor’s Music Concert, which also featured Wits’ own Mombelli's Chamber.
Epic parade and student-inspired music festival painted Braamfontein blue and gold as Wits enters its second century.
Political theorist Dr Ayesha Omar has been awarded a three-year British Academy International Fellowship.
Three African case studies show how workers are recasting their power in the new economy
Agents at the heart of creating a better world for the Deaf community mark 25 years of impact and partnerships.
The book expands our understanding of the intersection between gender, sexuality and mobility in Africa.
A new era of journalism research dawned as Wits University inaugurated the formally known Wits Journalism into the Wits Centre for Journalism (WCJ).
Vuma Levin and Benjamin Jephta launch their albums with an all-star ensemble featuring some of South African jazz’s finest musicians.
Thirteen years ago Kamogelo Molobye enrolled for Law at Rhodes but The Amazing Other Show changed the trajectory for the Wits Theatre & Performance lecturer...
The Wits School of Arts in the Faculty of Humanities co-hosts the Performance Studies International (PSi) conference in Johannesburg from 2-5 August 2023.
How he is regarded will continue to change depending on the state of South Africa, and there is never going to be a final assessment of his legacy.
Professors Roger Deane, Nosipho Moloto, and Andrew Thatcher each won in their category at the 2022/23 NSTF-South32 Awards.
The kind of coverage favoured by South African media probably doesn’t do much to improve the public’s understanding of climate change.
Here is how this will help Deaf people to finally have an opportunity to be properly educated in a language they understand.
Wits University hosted the President of Portugal, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, during his state visit to South Africa on 07 June 2023.
Wits University has officially renamed University Corner after renowned writer and activist Es'kia Mphahlele as part of its continuing transformation plan.
On behalf of Wits Philosophy and the South African Philosophy community, Professor Lucy Allais honours Eusebius McKaiser.
Many speak fondly of how Professor Barry Dwolatzky took them into a derelict disco and enthusiastically explained the tech co-working space he envisioned there.
If the African delegation could convince the belligerents to find a peaceful solution, they will make a critical contribution to the climate for mediation.
South Africa’s pact with the Russian Federation – and its actions – cast doubt on its claims of non-alignment.
Wits' research magazine focuses on how our researchers are powering up their creativity and expertise to find sustainable energy solutions.
Editorial: Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but for South Africans it feels like we are upending this fundamental law of physics.
SA’s could create a new model for many countries facing power shortages but it could also lead to more muddling in the dark.
Nuclear energy has had a bad rap, but in South Africa’s current energy conundrum, its importance in the mix is clear.
From Star Wars to hot curry to Einstein – we’ve got you covered.
A tree is not just a tree. It is also fuel, paper, furniture, livelihood, and industry.
The implementation of universal design and access could improve the lives of people living with disabilities.
Wits researchers shed light on alternative energies and how to leverage them when we’re depleted and in the dark.
Cutting greenhouse gas emissions to almost zero is the next big thing on the global agenda, but academics agree it’s not feasible in the medium term on campus.
How good is a science curriculum that’s insulated from working scientists or that ignores climate change and sustainable development?
Continued extreme heat exposure is affecting the health of vulnerable groups in communities.
Activists view their moral case for the return of the diamonds as unanswerable, but it runs up against many complications.
The 18th international architectural exhibition in Venice showcases urban spaces in the Global South - with African cities front and centre.
South Africa has lost an innovator, a strategist, a humanitarian, and a much-loved Professor who dedicated over 50 years of his life to Wits.
The Wits Brian and Dorothy Zylstra Sports Complex is an integrated facility for training, research, and clinical practice.
Call for Applications for the WESAF Programme now open.
Wits Professor Isabel Hofmeyr wins best non-fiction: monograph and her publisher, Wits Press, specially awarded.
William Kentridge’s epic theatre production, The Head & The Load, finally reaches Johannesburg after delays caused by the 沙巴体育官网_2024欧洲杯博彩app@ pandemic.
Wits alumnus Michael Boyd has been shortlisted for this major literary prize.
The annual Taco Kuiper Award celebrates the best in investigative journalism and highlights the importance of investigative journalists in South Africa.
The WIC will harness the creativity and ingenuity of the University’s rich, diverse community of innovators to solve complex, real-world problems.
Wits University awarded Dr David Fine an honorary degree at the Faculty of Science graduation ceremony on 17 April 2023.
The first Biomedical Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Course sparks a new era for #WitsInnovation.
Outstanding matriculants, now Wits students receive Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarship Awards, which covers full tuition fees.
Tanzania and South Africa: Ties between the two nations date back to Tanzania’s solidarity with the anti-apartheid struggle.
The absence of reliable quantitative data makes it difficult – if not impossible – to hold Home Affairs, the police and other state entities to account.
There are fears that escalating US-Chinese tensions could threaten the independence of African and other nonaligned nations.
Professor Lee Berger appointed as National Geographic Explorer in Residence, but will remain at Wits as an Honorary Professor.
Management welcomes the proposal to enter a mediation process as soon as possible and has communicated as such with the SRC.
The University has invested R9-million in postdoctoral fellowships to advance its innovation and internationalisation strategies and its research agenda.
STATEMENT: Wits addresses some of the misinformation being shared by some protestors with students.
The Vice-Chancellor and Principal and members of management met with the current members of the Students’ Representative Council yesterday.
We refer to Mr Aphiwe Mnyamana's tweet posted at 20:31 tonight and confirm that Mr Mnyamana was suspended on 6 March 2023.
We extend our deep appreciation to all staff and students for seamlessly pivoting to blended teaching and learning today.
South Africa holds the dishonourable title of most unequal country in the world, and Africa’s largest carbon emitter.
We will continue with teaching and learning in a blended learning mode
The Senior Executive Team met on Sunday, 05 March 2023 to consider the demands put forward by the SRC.
Wits issues multiple suspension orders to disruptors who transgressed the University’s rules. All university activities will continue as scheduled on Friday.
The University remains open and the academic programme continues as scheduled.
Entry key and exit points are being managed to ensure your safe entry, and officers will be stationed at key lecture theatres to ensure classes continue.
The University is committed to ensuring that staff and students are safe. The academic programme will continue as scheduled.
The explosive viral spread of the grainy but dramatic footage shows the limits of mainstream media ethics.
Dr Dinesh Balliah has been appointed as the Director of the Wits Centre for Journalism as from 1 March 2023.
Raymond W. Baker says the estimated hundreds of billions of dollars in hidden wealth a decade ago has skyrocketed to trillions today.
Dr Adam Pantanowitz has been appointed as Chair in Innovation and Director of the WIC, and Letlotlo Phohole as Senior Programme Manager.
Energy, joy and commitment at an all-time-high as first-year students join the Wits family.
Dhamaal music and dance reveal a rich and complex mixing of cultures that is shaped by history.
Wits University is proud to collaborate with the University of Edinburgh (UoE) to establish a new collaborative doctoral training centre in Africa.
New book by scholar Mandla Radebe reminds us of the debates by an idealistic generation committed to building a non-racial SA.
The South African National Energy Association (SANEA) will launch its South African Energy Skills Roadmap on 27 January 2023.
The African Fellowships programme advances South-North research collaboration to find solutions to global challenges.
Wits honours two healthcare professionals who are changing the world for good.
Despite its vagueness, the RET has become central to the contemporary ANC. It is destined to remain a powerful bloc within the party.
Education can’t make up for inadequacies in other policies that continue to cause mass unemployment.
Repairing Earth as a whole, together, is a precondition for human durability.
Africa's largest gathering of investigative journalists shows the varied ways this pursuit can be improved, made more impactful and innovative.
Over 350 journalists from across the continent will spend three days at Wits University for the 18th African Investigative Journalism Conference.
Artistic research and its ‘tangible’ output – a creative academic degree – is an emerging yet robust field of study and enquiry in Africa.
Africa’s first Digital Creativity Awards brings a sense of wonder and applauds the meteoric rise of African creativity in the digital space.
The Academy of Science of South Africa has awarded its highest honour, Science for Society Gold Medals, to Wits Professors Karen Hofman and Achille Mbembe.
Some of the best books about the media are not about the media. While dealing with very different topics, they probe the central institution of our world.
This year’s Fak’ugesi African Digital Innovation Festival is the first full in-person Festival since the start of the 沙巴体育官网_2024欧洲杯博彩app@ pandemic.
Xabiso Vili, post-graduate student with Drama for Life wins top spot at the 2022 World Slam Poetry Competition.
Various innovations after the past century have improved the world for many - but there’s still much more for universities to do.
Wits' research magazine celebrates 100 years of changing the world for good.
Guest Editorial: Wits remains a beacon of hope in society. We continue to strive for excellence in all that we do and use our knowledge for the good of society.
Editorial: The stories in Curios.ty 14: #Wits100 showcase the University’s sustained participation, influence and impact in the lab, the classroom, and society.
“We live in the most unequal country in the world. We can help bridge the divide and we don’t have any time to waste.” – Dr Judy Dlamini.
Meet the Wits’ science superheroes whose research has saved lives.
The contribution of the Sydney Brenner Institute for Molecular Bioscience to the field of human genomics is rewriting history on the African continent.
Without death, there would be no life – this might sound like ancient mysticism, but Wits scientists are proving it.
Agincourt, one of the longest-running research centres of its kind in sub-Saharan Africa, tracks health and wellbeing over the life course.
Protests are a hallmark of Wits’ history and have contributed to the University’s legacy of social activism, democracy and constitutionality.
South African universities should revisit their multiple publics and explore what a public university in southern Africa today should be.
The Wits Art Museum covers 3 000 m2, housing more than 12 000 artworks, of which 5 551 comprise the Standard Bank African Art Collection.
How has science and research practice at Wits has evolved over a century?
It’s the end of an era as Wits Planetarium is reimagined as a ‘out of this world’ digital dome.
Climate change took nearly a century to become mainstream science. Wits is taking the lead in facing up to the challenge.
Wits researchers have over the past century changed, and challenged, the way we think about the evolution of humanity and our ancestors.
Curiosity about dung beetles could lead us into our future.
Books based on research by Wits authors create a rare recording of history that tracks changes over time.
The development of the Wits Face Database: An African database of high-resolution facial photographs.
Wits is exploring the opportunities created by social enterprises that focus on addressing local, regional and global challenges.
Four Wits units demonstrate how translational research can respond to the needs of a world outside the academy.
Column: Telling the stories of Wits’ research and academics might hopefully light a fire in the mind of the world’s next Einstein.
There is something significantly common in the way in which all good things are good.
Both presidents are committed democrats operating in hostile environments. They are also committed to forging mutually beneficial ties.
Queen Elizabeth adjusted with aplomb and good grace – personally and as monarch – as countries achieved their independence from Britain.
The Faculty of Humanities recently launched a new podcast series, The Future in the Humanities - Reimagining the Humanities from the Global South.
Wits University is as much a part of Johannesburg as is gold mining, and we are opening our gates to all to celebrate with us.
Wits marks its 100th birthday with jam-packed Homecoming Weekend.
The #Wits100 Visible Resonance Light Show on 2 September at 7pm on the Great Hall façade will reflect, create, improvise, and imagine Wits’ stories.
Wits University Press is the oldest university press in South Africa and celebrates its centenary in 2022.
Professor Garth Stevens will oversee Human Resources, Transformation and Employment Equity, the Disability Rights Unit and other related units.
A project examining the Dutch East India Company’s day registers reveals unique information on the Cape’s past climate.
Former South African president is trying to turn the contestation of a court hearing into an all-out war and chill those who pursue justice against him.
The strategy outlined by the US Secretary of State marks a fresh beginning in US-Africa relations.
Wits University is home to a wellspring of talent from multiple disciplines where life-changing innovation is incubated.
The poet practised love wholeheartedly and saw from a mile away leaders who pretend to love their ‘people’.
It was a night of suspended reality, imaginative film, and sophisticated symphony at the SA premier of William Kentridge’s Oh to Believe in Another World.
Learners enjoy a fun-filled Wits Integrated Experience of academic and student life on the Braamfontein campuses.
“We must nurture tolerance, collective wisdom, and democracy.” – Nelson Mandela
Professor Zeblon Vilakazi, internationally renowned nuclear physicist, joins the ranks of Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Albert Einstein, and Stephen Hawking.
The iconic Great Hall is back after 沙巴体育官网_2024欧洲杯博彩app@ lockdowns and extensive renovations – ready to celebrate Wits' centenary.
Wits staff step up on Mandela Day for food-insecure students.
Return to campus plans and the way forward.
South African premiere of the new topically relevant film by Wits alumnus and world-renowned artist, William Kentridge, will take place at Wits in July.
A talent for languages and an interest in the cultures of the world is opening doors for a Wits music student.
A true African poet, Don Mattera was at the centre of public life, an advocate for change and an enemy of elitism.
The students who marched on 16 June 1976 did more than simply register a political opinion.
There are calls for a national referendum on the electoral system to define the way forward, and liberate it from the clutches of party barons.
The decision further delays migration to digital broadcasting and places strain on the urgently needed bandwidth for mobile data.
The impact of hybrid work models on IT skills in South Africa will be among the issues coming under the spotlight this year.
The decolonisation process was to take place rapidly during the reign of Elizabeth II.
Prof. Maria Marchetti-Mercer has been awarded the Order of the Star of Italy.
Renowned sociologist Karl von Holdt on violence, politics and power.
“Young entrepreneurs are one of the country's best hopes in solving the jobs crisis” - Dr Robert Venter, Project Leader for the WEC.
Relations between African countries and the US are bumpy on political issues but much better on the economic front.
Towards the creation of a future Civil Society and Human Rights Archive and Research Hub at Wits.
Please take note of rising infections in the country and particularly in Gauteng. Please get vaccinated if you have not done so yet.
The NRF has awarded new A-ratings to three Wits academics in the Faculty of Humanities and the Faculty of Health Sciences respectively.
Any ruling party in South Africa has found it hard to maintain internal coherence and unity over an extended time span amid wide national diversity.
Fundamental changes are taking place in the world: what are the implications for Africa?
'Gateway to Success' programme: Creating a holistic, seamless transition from secondary school to university
Twelve Wits researchers are contenders for the prestigious NSTF-South32 Awards for 2021/2022, four of whom were nominated in two categories each.
Wits University is proud to announce the start of the April graduation season where 5 593 students will be capped between 19 and 29 April 2022.
Study of tweets in Kenya and South Africa shows online rage towards white communities and privileged classes can be read as fatigue with the postcolonial state.
SAHA was officially relaunched at Wits and will be part of the Archives and Research Hub.
Alumnus Dr David Fine's generous donation will be used to establish the Angela and David Fine Chair in Innovation.
ACSUS at Wits commits to Global South scholarship on the superpower’s emerging futures.
The unwillingness of African governments to forge a unified position on the Russian invasion has damaged the credibility of their pan-African commitments.
Magema Fuze’s book was a radical act of publishing. It contained histories of chiefdoms and kingdoms - from the Zulu to the Ngcobo.
Ending violence against foreigners can only happen by first recognising – and addressing – the hazards of South Africa’s crumbling system of indirect rule.
Anglophone grievances run deep and have remained unaddressed for a long time.
It is with great appreciation that we thank you and members of our wider Wits community for vaccinating and in so doing, making Wits a safer place for all.
The new reality series Young, Famous and African, released in March 2022, has been the centre of conversation among South African viewers.
The two programmes ‘are stepping stones to launch and develop the careers of academics’.
Read the 13th issue of Curios.ty, themed: #Gender. We feature research across the gender spectrum that aims to ensure a more equitable and tolerant society.
Structures need to be put in place at higher education institutions to give women their rightful opportunities.
The gender binary has reached its expiry date but it still hasn’t been consigned to society’s dustbin.
Responsibility and representation: Where does the buck stop for brands and business sales targeting the LGBTQIA+ community?
Despite a history of openness to queerness in pre-colonial times, Africa is now largely unwelcoming to LGBTQIA+ people.
The notion that homosexuality is ‘unAfrican’ is totally false. People have engaged in same-sex relationships for centuries.
Hate crimes such as the so-called “corrective rape” of lesbians and trans women is a black mark against SA’s constitutional democracy.
Gender-based violence and femicide is a pandemic more insidious and endemic than a virus – how technology can help combat and prevent it.
Gender portrayals in animated films have come a long way, which is important, as animation can be a tool for positive social change.
Men cannot be left on the periphery of conversations about gender-based violence and abuse.
Q&A with Moeketsi Gordon Koahela on his research into masculinity and male university students.
Eight female fellows of the Female Academic Leadership (FALF) Programme at Wits share their experiences of breaking the glass ceiling.
COLUMN: Srila Roy says that feminists in the Global South are fighting the battle on two fronts, making a history of their own.
Wits strengthens EU partnerships through becoming a CIVIS Alliance strategic partner.
Scientific diplomacy must be given a chance to help enhance mutual understandings across political divides.
Professor Lynn Morris says universities 'value independent inquiry, intellectual excellence, integrity, and academic freedom and institutional autonomy'.
The rewards of supporting the research and career aspirations of Wits academics.
The University aims to raise R3 billion through the Centenary Campaign
Wits University launches its centenary campaign with the opening of the new state-of-the-art Wits Chris Seabrooke Music Hall.
The academic programme began in earnest today and it was fantastic to see students in class again and staff back on campus.
Africa needs to study America for a balanced engagement across public policy, civil society, corporate sector and at personal levels.
Journalism has become ‘post-industrial’, entrepreneurial and atypical.
It was an upbeat post-pandemic return to campus when Wits academics gathered to celebrate research excellence.
LogBox App is being streamlined to make it easier for you to complete the questions.
The South African government released new 沙巴体育官网_2024欧洲杯博彩app@ regulations as at 31 January 2022, pertaining to changes to isolation protocols.
Publications by academics from Wits and the Public Affairs Research Institute feature in the Report.
A researcher and lecturer in the Wits School of Education has begun 2022 with three high-profile achievements.
Wits team develops social distancing and shopper behaviour tracker for malls.
The danger is that the ANC turns the way of Zimbabwe’s ZANU-PF.
Apply for reasonable accommodation and upload your international vaccine certificate.
沙巴体育官网_2024欧洲杯博彩app@: Scientists without quality data are like unarmed soldiers in a war zone.
沙巴体育官网_2024欧洲杯博彩app@ in South Africa shows the limits of using courts to fight political battles.
Scientists say the Commission’s statement against mandatory vaccinations is offensive, irresponsible and misleading.
Foreign investment is Africa's best shot at growth, but its share is still pitiful.
It’s time to take on the tech giants to sustain media and journalism - you can use competition laws against the likes of Facebook.
沙巴体育官网_2024欧洲杯博彩app@: On 15 March 2020, President Cyril Ramaphosa declared a national state of disaster in terms of the Disaster Management Act.
If you are experiencing glitches in uploading your certificate, this information might help. You can also log technical queries via ithelp@wits.ac.za.
Mandatory vaccination: The link to upload your vaccine certificate is now live.
Wits University adopted a Mandatory Vaccination Policy (Mvax Policy), which will be implemented from 1 January 2022.
Wits Universit's Mandatory Vaccination Policy (MVAX Policy) will be implemented in January 2022.
With the year drawing to a close, many people will be wondering what books they may have missed out on in 2021.
Early data show that Omicron is dominating new COVID-19 cases in Gauteng province.
From the Desk of the Wits Vice-Chancellor and Principal, Professor Zeblon Vilakazi: We are stronger because of the diversity of our people and our ideas.
Africa can make important contributions to the issues on the agenda: defending against authoritarianism; fighting corruption; and respect for human rights.
“No matter what you’re feeling inside, the purpose is to be kind and help students with a smile.”
Read the full statement, the policy, and the Q&A information document wherein Wits experts answer questions about vaccination, legal, ethical, and more.
Inclusivity and diversity need to be at the level of identifying values and defining frameworks of what counts as ethical AI in the first place.
Wits 沙巴体育官网_2024欧洲杯博彩app@ Hero, Professor Lee Rusznyak spearheaded an initiative that assisted teaching students from 24 South African universities.
A book, international academic residency and a fellowship on the cards for Professor Srila Roy.
Books should influence public opinion, contribute to nationwide debates, and stimulate an appreciation of reading and writing.
Which wall needs to fall in society and science?
We need to move away from this binary approach, consider our contextual realities, and start with the end goal in mind.
South African newspaper proprietor Dr Iqbal Survé has long pushed the boundaries of credibility, but recently he crossed the line into full fantasy.
Will white South Africa ever give up part of its privilege? Booker-winning novel probes white South Africa and the land issue
"We will also continue to engage with the broader Wits community on the proposed policy in the coming weeks."
How religion has shaped the experiences of displaced LGBT people in South Africa.
Professor Andrew Thatcher from the School of Human and Community Development has been appointed as a member of the Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf).
Wits alumnus and contemporary writer, Dr Mandla Langa, has added a new novel to his literary works.
Wits Vice-Chancellor and Principal Professor Zeblon Vilakazi hosted Witsies who were part of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
The shift to emergency remote teaching and learning enabled academics to start questioning some long-held assumptions about in-person teaching and learning.
How the South African editor put himself on the line with his contrarian idea.
The proposed Framework has been developed and will be shared with staff, students, senior managers, organised labour, and other constituencies for comment.
Wits launches global appeal, former Wits SRC President donates $100,000 to support students
Wits researchers won six National Science and Technology Forum (NSTF)-South32 research awards .
Greater urgency is needed in the response to pandemics, to end AIDS and to end COVID-19.
A source of inspiration for his students.
It will help to establish two research centres to boost cancer and vaccine research at the University of the Witwatersrand.
While South Africa has steered clear of compulsory vaccination for now, the country’s laws do allow such a policy.
Robben Island Museum aspired to be part of the reconstruction and development of the national soul.
The Oppenheimer Memorial Trust (OMT) has awarded the Rising Star Fellowship to Associate Professor Peace Kiguwa.
The Oppenheimer Memorial Trust (OMT) has donated R15 million towards the African Future Studies Initiative at Wits University.
The Institute prioritises its own ideological predilections rather than devoting itself to the betterment of race relations.
The optimism Angolan president João Lourenço’s election generated four years ago has dwindled as electoral promise after another have failed to materialise.
Details on vaccination and the return of staff members to campus.
Professor Dilip Menon’s transnationalism research earns him prestigious Falling Walls Award.
#DIYAfrica 2021 creates space for Africans to “Do It Yourself” and realise the potential of new and emerging technologies to bring about change.
The South African Quantum Technology Initiative (SA QuTI) aims to drive local quantum technology research and innovation.
There is no doubt about the enormous scale of the shocks South Africa has experienced over 2020-21.
Race and capitalism: no easy answers, but posturing will get South Africa nowhere
With vinyl records, zines and political posters instead of just books, The Library of Things We Forgot to Remember offers a way to reimagine African history.
The AI Africa Consortium partners with Cirrus AI to bring large-scale AI infrastructure capacity and expertise to the African research community and industry.
This article has been published in the print and online edition of the Daily Maverick.
Wits staff and students can now get their 沙巴体育官网_2024欧洲杯博彩app@ vaccine at the Netcare site on campus.
We are being cautious about the implications for vaccine efficacy and transmissibility while we gather more data to understand this lineage.
Wits staff and students can now get their 沙巴体育官网_2024欧洲杯博彩app@ vaccine at the SABC vaccination site in Auckland Park.
Wits staff and students who are 18 years and older can now get their 沙巴体育官网_2024欧洲杯博彩app@ vaccine at the Liberty vaccination site in Braamfontein.
I wanted to help the School of Arts because the lecturers were busy dealing with so many other issues concerning students.
Deborah Minors interviews Professor Robert Muponde on his new book, 'The Scandalous Times of a Book Louse: A Memoir of a Childhood'.
The Wits Centre for Journalism will engage with the rapidly changing world of African journalism.
The Angolan political elite lost an extraordinary opportunity to improve significantly the country’s constitution.
What might happen in South Africa?
Our cutting-edge research offers #Solutions to some of the most challenging problems facing society today.
Editorial: From solutions to the structural, political, and socioeconomic challenges in South Africa, to those ‘moonshot moments’ that advance society for good.
We need to rethink higher education by asking what kind of society we want to create.
South Africa’s infrastructure seems to be falling apart at the seams. What needs to be done to save the country from further deterioration?
To help close the maths gap in South Africa, Wits experts believe the focus should lie on the teacher.
Games from the Game Design programme at the Wits School of Digital Arts tell important stories, and allow for solutions to many real-world problems.
Can online platforms help therapists and tutors transform teaching and care beyond the pandemic?
The connections among areas of our brain and how they interact is what counts when trying to find solutions to problems.
The ructions caused by the pandemic are an opportunity to reconsider core values and spending priorities to address our social ills.
Wits researchers are creating the space and support for people with disabilities to talk about sex.
In search of ways to help his father recover from injuries suffered in a motorbike accident, Nabeel Vandayar enrolled at Wits to study medicine.
The media industry in South Africa has been sputtering along for several years. How do we prevent it from totally collapsing?
Some scholars consider these ‘liberating technologies’ because they empower citizens to speak back to power and hold leaders accountable.
As the world looks to COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland in 2021, it’s clear that the time for sitting on the side-lines is over.
The solution was to convert the school hall of the McAuley House convent, The Nunnery, into a theatre – over one weekend.
The Wits Senior Executive Team hail Witsies in the 2021 Mail & Guardian Top 200 for making a positive impact in society.
When politicians and others speak about herd immunity, unfortunately, they are under the misconception that the current tools that we’ve got are adequate.
It must be part of the messy process of structural change.
The circulation of misinformation about the 沙巴体育官网_2024欧洲杯博彩app@ vaccine poses the danger of hampering the government’s efforts to control the pandemic.
Their lived experiences offer the most authentic understanding and familiarity of this life-changing criminal practice.
Failure to ensure access for all to prevention and treatment, including vaccines, undermines national responses to 沙巴体育官网_2024欧洲杯博彩app@.
We call on Acting Health Minister Mmamoloko Kubayi to do the right thing to ensure the 沙巴体育官网_2024欧洲杯博彩app@ vaccination programme is inclusive.
We are likely to keep being hit by further waves of this virus until at least all adults have immunity.
Schools are not driving the COVID-19 pandemic and can safely remain open provided people stick to the non-pharmaceutical interventions for COVID-19 prevention.
Gallerist and writer Robert Huggins and his wife, the artist Helen Lieros, have passed away.
Despite the critical role of the PHRU as part of the national and international 沙巴体育官网_2024欧洲杯博彩app@ response team, it was not spared during the recent unrest.
Professor Barry Dwolatzky has been contracted as Director of Innovation Strategy.
“Bheki Peterson was a forever person, a forever teacher, a forever writer, a forever friend.”
South Africa has clearly suffered the consequences of poor strategic decisions to this point. It doesn't need to continue along these lines.
“We only write about them when they are dead."
This year’s Fak’ugesi Festival will be a hybrid event and takes place from 14 to 24 October 2021.
Angola needs a mixed electoral system. This would promote accountability through the direct election of representatives from constituencies.
Tighter controls are not the answer; the opportunity should be used to think differently about trust and journalism.
South Africa didn't engage early enough with pharmaceutical companies in bilateral discussions to ensure it could get vaccines early.
Professor Ruksana Osman has been appointed as Senior DVC: Academic and Professor Ian Jandrell as DVC: Systems and Operations.
It is an essential part of the national science system and it must be protected to perform its regulatory work.
For Professor Bhekizizwe Peterson theoretical reflection went hand-in-hand with practice; knowledge had to be made in and outside the academy.
The majority of those punished under the laws to combat false information are opposition politicians or journalists.
Award-winning screenwriter and producer, literary critic, a towering intellectual and generous mentor.
The disregarded lives and achievements of Scotswomen in colonial India are brought to light in new research from a 19th century graveyard in Kolkata.
The pandemic has heightened existing weaknesses in South Africa's skills training regime.
Dr Sahba Besharati in the Department of Psychology is one of just 19 CIFAR Azrieli Global Scholars, a programme that supports early-career researchers.
The JCSE-IITPSA Skills Survey assesses skills demand and supply from both a corporate and practitioner perspective.
An innovative maths WhatsApp hotline threw high school teens an educational lifeline during 2020.
Zimasile ‘Zim’ Ngqawana, died unexpectedly and too soon on 10 May 2011 at the age of 51, leaving bereft a family and a musical community that spanned the globe.
The theme for this year’s Child Protection Week, which began on 31 May, is “Let us all protect children during 沙巴体育官网_2024欧洲杯博彩app@ and beyond”.
How colonial Customs protocols shaped copyright and censorship.
Rethinking capitalism requires that the primary focus should be on the distribution of economic power as the potential leading causal factor driving inequality.
Four decades later, post-apartheid South Africa barely recalls the Medu Art Ensemble's contributions to the liberation struggle. But that could be changing.
The third wave of the coronavirus has started in Gauteng and is rapidly gaining momentum as we head into the winter season.
The Southern African Development Community does not have a remarkable record of military interventions in civil conflicts in the region.
The online attacks on women journalists are bound to populist politics, disinformation and intersectional discrimination, says Unesco.
Noise-induced hearing loss is an occupational health hazard. It remains a prevalent condition in the South African mining industry.
South Africa’s first lady of song, Dr Sibongile Khumalo, has been awarded an Honorary Doctorate in Music posthumously by Wits University.
Narrow, unimaginative public health responses inhibit reducing HIV, exploitation and marginalisation within sex work.
Online and interactive creative research from the Wits School of Arts and Arts Research Africa.
The existing electoral system has attracted extensive criticism for rendering elected representatives unaccountable to those who elected them.
Tertiary education often carries societal benefits that far outweigh the initial investments necessary to establish a strong and productive system.
Professor Zeblon Vilakazi, Vice-Chancellor and Principal, shares three core areas that Wits will maintain as the University transitions into its next century.
The 沙巴体育官网_2024欧洲杯博彩app@ pandemic has worsened unemployment and poverty, showing the need for the government to permanently expand income support to working-age adults.
President Joe Biden delivered his first public statement on US foreign policy last week. Africa was not mentioned.
The Novavax vaccine is the first that provides objective scientific evidence that it can protect people against the variant virus circulating in South Africa.
All University entities are required to be fully operational as from 1 February 2021.
Update on the return to campus of staff members.
Clinical efficacy demonstrated in Phase 2b South Africa trial.
The pandemic demands a relook of how we connect with each other and the world.
CANVAS, a modern, stable Learning Management System (LMS).
South Africa has the legal tools to challenge the vaccine nationalism of rich countries.
Update on the latest 沙巴体育官网_2024欧洲杯博彩app@ testing and infection of staff and students.
It will take 67% of the population to be vaccinated to reach herd immunity; here is how those still reluctant can be persuaded to join in.
Implications for the (mis)management of 沙巴体育官网_2024欧洲杯博彩app@ in South Africa.
African leaders can make strategies to fight COVID-19 more accessible to the people.
Update on the latest 沙巴体育官网_2024欧洲杯博彩app@ testing and infection of staff and students.
Professor Vilakazi assumed office on 1 January 2021 and looks forward to stewarding the University in his capacity as the Vice-Chancellor and Principal:
Critics of the South African government argue that it has done too little too late to secure vaccines, and that it doesn't have a proper roll-out plan in place.
Pasha 91: Blunders that left South Africa trailing in the vaccine stakes
Drones, dinghies and an army helicopter - the new toys are diverting resources, and diverting attention.
This article examines and estimates the financial implications of a vaccine strategy with a goal of achieving herd immunity.
It is distressing to hear senior officials increasingly talking down the prospects for the availability and usefulness of 沙巴体育官网_2024欧洲杯博彩app@ vaccines in South Africa.
Implications of adjusted Level 3 regulations for staff and students.
Beyond the pandemic and possibilities for new knowledge architectures.
What are the urgent steps that South Africans need to take to prepare for a timeous life-saving roll out of vaccines?
Gauteng Government, IBM Research and Wits University are fighting the pandemic with artificial intelligence.
Update on the latest 沙巴体育官网_2024欧洲杯博彩app@ testing and infection of staff and students.
Wits University has taken all graduation ceremonies online, following the President’s announcement on Monday night.
Vice-Chancellor and Principal, Professor Adam Habib, will leave Wits University at the end of December 2020.
Update on the latest 沙巴体育官网_2024欧洲杯博彩app@ testing and infection of staff and students.
How can you trust what you are told about 沙巴体育官网_2024欧洲杯博彩app@?
Update on the latest 沙巴体育官网_2024欧洲杯博彩app@ testing and infection of staff and students.
Update on the latest 沙巴体育官网_2024欧洲杯博彩app@ testing and infection of staff and students.
Register for postgraduate study at Wits University and be part of the future of exciting possibilities.
Scientists disprove the theory about animals’ ear canals and posture.
Update on the latest 沙巴体育官网_2024欧洲杯博彩app@ testing and infection of staff and students.
Following President Cyril Ramaphosa's address.
Update on the latest 沙巴体育官网_2024欧洲杯博彩app@ testing and infection of staff and students.
South Africa is testing digital technology to detect outbreaks of respiratory diseases.
What maths researchers learnt from the mistakes made by pupils in ‘top’ South African schools.
Quality assurance entities are immobilising the system and hindering the ability of more students to access online education.
Wits researchers develop solution to improve accuracy and safety of 沙巴体育官网_2024欧洲杯博彩app@ testing.
Update on the latest 沙巴体育官网_2024欧洲杯博彩app@ testing and infection of staff and students.
Highly anticipated and specially curated Fak’ugesi Arcade programme unveiled.
沙巴体育官网_2024欧洲杯博彩app@: When and how South Africa should try to prevent or mitigate it.
Update on the latest 沙巴体育官网_2024欧洲杯博彩app@ testing and infection of staff and students.
It is key to continue high-impact non-pharmaceutical interventions that will not impede economic activity, but limit the spread of COVID-19.
The 2020 Fak’ugesi African Digital Innovation Festival will run for one month from 20 October to 20 November 2020.
Journalists need to hold firmly to the ethical standards that assure audiences their work is reliable and credible.
Latest update on infections and university protocols.
Appeal to adhere to safety regulations and preventative protocols.
Africa’s biggest gathering of muckrakers returns.
Answers to queries raised by organised labour and staff members.
Voice of Wits FM marks 10 years of great radio and growth.
Emergency relief measures were operational for six months and are due to end soon. But the impacts of COVID-19 will be felt long after.
Media self-criticism is not just important to improve journalism, it is a political, professional and moral imperative.
When Bilqees Mahomed decided to study the factors that hinder the treatment of mental health, she didn’t anticipate that it would have a ripple effect.
We welcome the news that South Africa will move to national lockdown level 1 from Monday, 21 September 2020.
Digital divides ensure that only 11% of households have access to the internet.
Many political issues in the 2020 US election are domestic. But black resistance to white supremacy has long had global repercussions.
A balancing act between scientific data and health and broader socioeconomic implications is needed when policymakers prioritise interventions and measures.
The experience of the Oxford vaccine and the measures put into place are not unusual. Many phase one and phase two clinical trials have holding rules.
Pasha 80: Fighting the coronavirus can put severe strain on a person’s mental health.
All thanks to a nation-wide project, current and future cohorts of student teachers will be better equipped when they step into the classroom.
Pasha 78: Listen to Professor Shabir Madhi, explaining how the new vaccine trial will work
Wits student, Shudufhadzo Musida is amongst many hopefuls vying for the 2020 Miss SA crown.
Wits Journalism lecturer Dr Nechama Brodie turned her PhD on femicide into a book and won a grant to develop a Homicide Media Tracker based on her research.
Poor populations bore a disproportionately higher burden of poor health.
SA should fire the current Cabinet and set up a national “emergency” one with the best talents in the country prevent it from plunging down the cliff.
When university resources are scarce, building and sustaining equitable research excellence should be paramount.
Wits is top of the class in the 2020 Academic Ranking of World Universities.
Three South African vice-chancellors paint a post-COVID picture for universities.
沙巴体育官网_2024欧洲杯博彩app@'s lockdown leads maths scores particularly being badly affected but a return to core concepts could be the answer to a pre-pandemic problem.
The time is long past that Pretoria's admonitions of bad behaviour by Zimbabwe's leaders are backed by a credible threat of sanction and punishment.
Women’s extended working days have become normalised, despite the adverse effects on their progression within the labour market and general well-being.
Dr Danai Mupotsa is one of 20 leading change-makers selected by the Atlantic Fellows for Racial Equity (AFRE).
Special Report by the Wits School of Accounting on how companies should manage the 沙巴体育官网_2024欧洲杯博彩app@ pandemic.
The third in a series of expert advisories on how to respond to 沙巴体育官网_2024欧洲杯博彩app@ which will be published from time to time by Maverick Citizen.
This is the second of a series of Expert Advisories on how to respond to 沙巴体育官网_2024欧洲杯博彩app@ which will be published from time to time by Maverick Citizen.
This is the first of a series of expert advisories on how to respond to 沙巴体育官网_2024欧洲杯博彩app@ which will be published from time to time by Maverick Citizen.
Investments are starting to help grow the African continent's science preparedness.
The magazine grew to be the largest circulation publication for black readers in South Africa, and expanded to include East and West African editions.
With the onset of the Coronavirus/沙巴体育官网_2024欧洲杯博彩app@ pandemic, working and studying remotely have increased the risk of cybercrime.
Witsies, please take care, adhere to social distancing and follow 沙巴体育官网_2024欧洲杯博彩app@ protocols.
Not enough clinical research is being done in Africa. This has repercussions for when interventions become available and effective in high income countries.
Students who are scheduled to return as part of phase 2, will return in mid-July.
Phased return of more academic, professional and support staff and students to campuses.
Dr Jonathan Crossley launches 433 Eros with his band, Deep Spacer, at the 2020 virtual National Arts Festival (vNAF).
SA had to have a hard lockdown because we don’t trust our government. Little since has made us change our minds.
South Africa's public health system has been allocated R21.5 billion more to fight the 沙巴体育官网_2024欧洲杯博彩app@ pandemic but there's no strategy to guide how it should be used.
South Africa will have to prioritise new business, employment and growth based on the current and new domestic and global needs unleashed by 沙巴体育官网_2024欧洲杯博彩app@.
Understand the three things that can make the most difference to easing the lockdown and reopening South Africa with the least risk.
Professor Zeblon Vilakazi appointed as the Wits Vice-Chancellor and Principal from 1 January 2021
The first participants in South Africa's first clinical trial for a vaccine against 沙巴体育官网_2024欧洲杯博彩app@ will be vaccinated this week.
Testing and tracing has not been at a level needed to suppress the spread and must now focus on containing opportunities for super-spreading and transmissions.
Young black men are often viewed through a criminal lens. An 11-year-long study of adolescent men in a South African township upends the stereotypes.
Government is steaming ahead with the reopening of schools. This is an overly hasty, ill-considered step for a number of reasons.
Detecting fever requires measuring core body temperature. Screening measures the body's surface temperature.
Students and staff members who have not already done so, must complete the student survey or staff survey before 8pm on Thursday, 11 June 2020.
By identifying the roots of global ills there's an opportunity for coordinated action as countries lay new pathways for a post-Covid world.
The Indian Ocean provides a new way of looking at world history that has been dominated by European accounts.
It is no accident that those leaders who have responded worst to this crisis have been the main sources of countless conspiracy theories and misinformation.
Pasha 66 - The Conversation Africa's podcast series focus on questions arising from the symptoms of people who have contracted the coronavirus.
Self-screening form on the app is for staff members with permits to be on campus, and students who have been invited to return to campus only.
Moeketsi Majoro’s installation as Prime Minister is welcome. But it does not guarantee much needed political stability in an era of complex coalition politics.
New level 3 regulations mark an important strategic shift in the government’s approach to the coronavirus pandemic.
The testing backlog and proposed testing strategies outside hospital settings are threatening patient management and compromising health care workers’ safety.
The most profound change is the accelerated of way in which digital transformation and the Fourth Industrial Revolution have moved at warp speed.
New initiative provides students with data to access selected URLs through the Wits network.
Statement of Support for Professor Glenda Gray and the Principle of Academic Freedom of Speech.
The four telecommunications companies agree to extend the provision of data to students for another 15 days.
It is not hard to see the roots of 20th century apartheid policies in the legacy of the British settlers.
South Africa should base its COVID-19 mitigation strategy on the premise that the pandemic will last for two years unless a vaccine is developed before then.
Journalists Pieter-Louis Myburgh and Pauli van Wyk took top honours at this year’s Taco Kuiper Investigative Journalism Awards.
A reminder to all students and staff about Wits' mental health and wellbeing services that are available to you during the 沙巴体育官网_2024欧洲杯博彩app@ pandemic and lockdown.
Information pertaining to the screening of staff and students entering University campuses and premises.
SA's response to the COVID-19 pandemic was one of 'intervene first and ask questions later'. Now is the time for government say what its strategic endgame is.
A group of Wits Film and TV students scooped the Best Student Film Award for their film, Moya.
Economic distress was the norm for many before the coronavirus outbreak. The pandemic is an opportunity to provide an economically secure future for all.
There are lessons for the health sector - the need for more coherent integration is undeniable.
The heavy-handed, top-down approach during the lockdown has not worked; NGOs, coalitions and community networks have.
Given the protracted nature of the risk posed by the COVID-19, this paper seeks to address the need to match health prevention and a viable economy.
These Wits heroes represent just a fraction of the clinical, academic, professional and administrative staff, alumni and students responding to this disaster.
South Africa cannot afford to embark on a strategy of extended periodic lockdowns. It needs to shift to mass testing and contact tracing.
Attempting to defeat these folk theories with science achieved little; the myth busters of the AIDS epidemic talked past those they were trying to convince.
How more restless are those living in prison and confined to a small cell, who are now completely cut off from the outside world and their families?
With 沙巴体育官网_2024欧洲杯博彩app@ and the lockdown there is no room for denial of how large parts of South African society suffer.
Amongst the best in their fields, Wits experts are at the frontlines and behind-the-scenes against COVID-19, the respiratory disease caused by the coronavirus.
With the world facing a climate emergency, higher education institutions should lead in securing a future for our children.
A retrospective exhibition displays the key works from the life and times of activist and artist Judy Seidman.
An essay by the late Professor Bruce Murray, posthumously published by colleagues, celebrates Wits History Department’s centenary.
Wits University has added a new course to its free, online WitsX/edX learning platform.
South African actors are lobbying government to demand better working conditions and labour protection.
Joseph E. Stiglitz will deliver the keynote address and Mimi Mefo, the Carlos Cardoso Memorial Lecture.
A rare set of photographs of South Africa's most famous jazz ensemble, the Blue Notes, has added valuable insights to the music archive.
The Southern Ocean, as artists have uncovered, is also a treasure trove of cultural narratives.
The Faculty of Humanities provides the best education in Africa, according to a global survey zooming in on the work of leading universities across the globe.
Associate Professor, Bronwyn Law-Viljoen has been awarded the 2018 Olive Schreiner Prize for fiction from the English Academy of South Africa.
If you are confused about what is real, what is true, fact, propaganda or fiction, you are not alone; join the rest of the world.
The election's result endorses other evidence that trust in South Africa’s constitutional settlement and its political institutions is steadily declining.
South Africa’s data collection is constantly improving and Stats SA does a good job of making data available for analysis and research. Why is this important?
Health responses need to take on board the fact that the number of women and girls migrating across borders as well as within countries is growing.
Wits and African and global partners kick off a week-long programme focusing on migration and access to care and Universal Health Coverage in southern Africa.
Archaeologists and anthropologists peer into original homes of the past to see what made us who we are today.
If home is your castle, can the office be your palace? The need to ensure wellbeing at work is critical.
Land ownership has historically been the great divider, and South Africa is no different. But is this the silver bullet to address our gross inequality?
Migrant labour has intrinsically shaped family life in SA. Family structures and the concept of 'home' would be vastly different if it weren’t for this history.
How motherhood has been redefined through the feminisation of migration and maternal motion.
A man who defied racial barriers and whose life exemplifies what it means to be human.
Over 40 Wits alumni, students and staff members were included in the 2019 Mail and Guardian Top 200 supplement.
The Wits School of Arts (WSOA) inaugural Postgraduate Research Day was a confluence of arts research and creativity.
Wits Journalism releases the State of the Newsroom 2018 report.
Veteran journalist Raymond Louw (93) passed away recently - a former editor of the Rand Daily Mail and tireless press freedom campaigner and mentor.
Wits University hosts two African Research Universities Alliance (ARUA) Centres of Excellence (CoEs) in materials and migration respectively.
Eight Witsies are finalists in six categories of the NSTF-South 32 Awards, dubbed the ‘Science Oscars’.
The potential capabilities afforded by digital technologies should not be ignored in the current stage of design of the future government administration.
The Wits Research Office has recognised scholars at the University whom the National Research Foundation has (re)rated and those awarded nationally and at Wits.
How removing senior sub-editors from newsrooms and creating "sub-hubs" have contributed to the rise of misinformation, propaganda and disinformation.
The Wits Faculty of Humanities hosts renowned academic and advocate for women empowerment, Professor Lulama Makhubela to speak at the Africa Day celebrations.
So it’s not surprising that this has become an ever-expanding topic for both the media and researchers.
It’s pleasing that the latest World Press Freedom Index released by Reporters without Borders rates the state of press freedom in SA as “satisfactory”.
South Africa continues to enjoy an unusual degree of international prominence normally accorded to states that are more powerful, or strategically located.
A blind jazz music student in the Wits School of Arts has been awarded a PhD scholarship worth R130 000 from the Arts Research Africa (ARA) project.
Wits Maths Connect Secondary Project shares a home-grown resource for secondary maths teaching with educators from the SADEC region.
The South African government has launched a plan aimed at addressing pervasive prejudice in the country.
Award winning journalist Niren Tolsi has called on journalists to use their power responsibly and to return to the values of the profession.
Professor Glenda Gray delivers the Faculty of Health Sciences’ prestigious AJ Orenstein Memorial Lecture 2017.
[FACT SHEET] The state of South Africa’s prisons.