This exhibition, located in Yeoville Recreation Center, marked the end of Yeoville Studio proper - even if many initiatives, academic and activist, grew from the Studio beyond its two years of exercise. Whist the exhibition recapped a multiplicity of projects, its key focus was public space, and more specifically street life. It aimed at interrogating the place of street trading in the life of the neighborhood, questionning the effects of its illegalisation - to trigger public debate within Yeoville community but also with municipal authorities. To do so, Yeoville Studio presented a number of items it had constructed, with students and various community members, throughout the year: analysing trading dynamics in public space, presenting traders' lives and experience, showing the inefficiencies and destructiveness of a politics of street trading criminalisation, suggesting alternative stall and street designs, trading policies and management, showcasing existing initiatives and possibilities.
Download the Yeoville Studio newsletter on the exhibition finale