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Glynis Goodman-Cron (PhD, Wits) Email:

Botanical Curator

James Harrison (PhD, Pretoria) Email: Tel. 011 717-6464

Zoological Curator

James in addition to curating the zoological collections lectures Entomology, Vertebrate Anatomy and facilitates a Service Learning course. His main research interest is Scarab Beetle Systematics.

Renee Reddy (PhD, Wits) E-mail: Tel. 011 717-6467

Herbarium manager

Renee manages the C.E. Moss Herbarium which currently has in excess of 100 000 specimens. Her research interests include the Diversity of Serpentine Flora, Witwatersrand Flora and Systematics of various taxa - currently Graderia and Thunbergia.

Donald McCallum (MSc, Wits) E-mail: Tel. 011 717-6467

Living collections Curator

Donald is the editor of the Flora of the Witwatersrand (Dicotyledons). He also manages the living collections and is involved with public exhibitions (Yebo Gogga). Research interests include Swaziland Serpentine Flora, plants of the Witwatersrand and the role of Natural History museums in promoting plant knowledge and conservation awareness.
