Botanical Collections
The collections consist of about 100 000 specimens. Important collections are: Witwatersrand Flora, Serpentine Flora, Inhaca Island, Oribi Gorge, Acanthaceae, Senecioneae

Main collection
The main collection is housed in compactors in the plant and insect archive room.
The main collection together with the Quick Guide, has more than 100 000 specimens, mainly South African, although some tropical African, European and North American material is included. The collection is being expanded by the present research interests; serpentine flora, Acanthaceae, Senecioneae and Oliniaceae. Much of the main collection was collected on the Witwatersrand in areas that are now built up and thus it is scientifically irreplaceable. There are many type specimens in the collection.
Quick Guide
This is a rapid reference collection with representative specimens of all indigenous and naturalised species in the collection.
Student Herbarium
A reference collection for undergraduate student projects.