
International Nursing Review: Investigating nurses’ quality of life and work-life balance statuses in Singapore
Occupational nursing stress is a common issue in the workplace that is caused by an undesirable working environment, which nurses have to face every day (Arsalani et al. 2012). This is related to the concept of sense of coherence (SoC). SoC is a stress coping mechanism in people and why some can remain mentally healthy despite constant stressful situations and hardships (Eriksson 2016). A review study, which was conducted on nurses from nine hospitals in Sweden, found that SoC, or the ability to cope with stress, was a predictor of QoL (Malinauskiene et al. 2011).
Staff Publications
Botes Meghan, Bruce Judith, Cooke Richard (2023). Consensus-based recommendations for strengthening emergency care at primary health care level: a Delphi study GLOBAL HEALTH ACTION, 2023, 16 (1) pp. 1 - 9. 10.1080/16549716.2022.2156114
Silaule Olindah, Nkosi Nokuthula, Adams F (2023). Extent of caregiver burden among informal caregivers of persons with severe mental disorders in rural South Africa RURAL AND REMOTE HEALTH, 2023, 23 (2) pp. 1 - 12. 10.22605/RRH7509
Burston A, Miles S J, Fulbrook Paul (2023). Patient and carer experience of living with a pressure injury: A meta-synthesis of qualitative studies JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NURSING, 2023, 32 (13) pp. 3233 - 3247. 10.1111/jocn.16431
Fulbrook Paul, Lovegrove J, Butterworth J (2023). Incidence and characteristics of hospital-acquired mucous membrane pressure injury: A five-year analysis JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NURSING, 2023, 32 (13) pp. 3810 - 3819. 10.1111/jocn.16473
Hayward Andrea, Dube Elizabeth (2023). Information computer technology resources and skills are vital for effective implementation of evidence based practice in nephrology nursing. International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences , 2023, 19 (100582) pp. 1 - 6. 10.1016/J.IJANS.2023.100582
Abukari Alhassan, Schmollgruber Shelley (2023). Concepts of family-cantered care at the neonatal and paediatric intensive care unit: A Scoping review JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC NURSING-NURSING CARE OF CHILDREN & FAMILIES, 2023, 71 (N/A) pp. 1 - 10. 10.1016/J.PEDN.2023.04.005
Jordan P, Iwu-Jaja C, Mokoka E, Kearns Irene, Oamen B, et al E (2023). Development of a training programme for professional nurses in South Africa - An educational response to the COVID-19 pandemic NURSING OPEN, 2023, 10 (1) pp. 377 - 384. 10.1002/nop2.1273
Middleton K, Mbengo Fungai, Mavundla Thandisizwe, Hofmeyr George (2023). Preliminary efficacy, feasibility and safety of intra-umbilical oxytocin to reduce the time to placental delivery at caesarean section: an exploratory randomized trial. AFRICAN HEALTH SCIENCES, 2023, 23 (3) pp. 1 - 7. 10.4314/ABS.V23I3.3
Bruce Judith, Mabizela Sfiso, Tshabalala Amme (2023). Selection tests and their predictive value in university nursing students' success in the first year of study. BMC MEDICAL EDUCATION, 2023, 23 (176) pp. 1 - 8. 10.1186/S 12909-023-04140-4
Mamalelala Tebogo T, Schmollgruber Shelley, Botes Meghan, Holzemer William (2023). Effectiveness of handover practices between emergency department and intensive care unit nurses AFRICAN JOURNAL OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE, 2023, 13 (N/A) pp. 72 - 77. 10.1016/J.AFJEM.2023.03.001
Majamanda Maureen, Chisoni F, Selemani A, Kearns Irene, Maree Johanna (2023). Paediatric oncology nursing education and training programmes : a scoping review protocol BMJ OPEN, 2023, 13 (N/A) pp. 1 - 5. 10.1136/BMJOPEN-2022-070694
Williams G, Fulbrook Paul, Alberto L, Kleinpell R, Christensen M, et al E (2023). Critical care nursing policy, practice, and research priorities: An international cross-sectional study JOURNAL OF NURSING SCHOLARSHIP, 2023, 55 (5) pp. 1044 - 1057. 10.1111/jnu.12884
Botes Meghan, Cooke Richard, Bruce Judith (2023). Experiences of primary health care practitioners dealing with emergencies - ' We are on our own' African Journal of Primary Health Care and Family Medicine , 2023, 15 (1) pp. 1 - 9. 10.4102/phcfm.v15i1.3553
Casmod Yasmin, Armstrong Susan (2023). Obstetric ultrasound training programmes for midwives: A scoping review Health SA Gesondheid, 2023, 28 pp. 1 - 8. 10.4102/hsag.v28i0.2163
Fulbrook Paul, Lovegrove J (2023). Reporting accuracy of pressure injury categorisation in an acute tertiary hospital: A four-year analysis JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NURSING, 2023, 32 (17-18) pp. 6403 - 6414. 10.1111/jocn.16662
Maree Johanna, Bingo Samuel Allos, Mgawi Owens (2023). Palliative Nursing in Africa: Scoping the Landscape of Evidence Focusing on Cancer Care. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing, 2023, 31 (S1) pp. 38 - 44. 10.5152/FNJN.2023.23038
Lawal Nana H , Maliti Biemba , Maree Johanna, Nanre NM, Niyomugabo Cyrille, Odai RA, Okumu R, Uwayezu MG, De Villiers M, Fitch M (2023). Growth and development of oncology nursing in Africa ANNALS OF PALLIATIVE MEDICINE, 2023, 12 (5) pp. 1 - 10. 10.21037/APM-22-1323
Bruce Judith, Mboya Mzobanzi M, Roets Lizeth (2023). Harnessing capacity in Southern Africa to support and develop human resources for nursing and midwifery in Africa. - Part 2: Case studies from the DRC and Mozambique Africa Journal of Nursing and Midwifery, 2023, 13333 pp. 1 - 15. 10.25159
Schmollgruber Shelley, Korsah Emmanuel, Brokken Vivien (2023). Normal saline instillation before endotracheal suctioning: What is the evidence? Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 2023, 79 (103533) pp. 1 - 2. 10.1016
Chisamba Tendai, Maree Johanna, Jansen van Rensburg Jacoba (2023). Knowledge, attitudes and practices of Zimbabwean men relating to prostate cancer. Curationis, 2023, 46 (1) pp. 1 - 8. 10.4102
Silaule Olindah, Nkosi Nokuthula, Adams Fasloen (2023). Extent of caregiver burden among informal caregivers of persons with severe menta disorders in rural South Africa Rural and Remote Health, 2023, 23 (7509) pp. 1 - 12. 10.22605/RRH7509
Silaule Olindah, Nkosi Nokuthula, Adams Fasloen (2023). Strategies for Alleviating the Burden Experienced by Informal Caregivers of Persons With Severe Mental Disorders in Transitional Countries : Protocol for a Scoping Review JMIR Research Protocols, 2023, 12 (e44268) pp. 1 - 10. 10.2196/44268
Bruce Judith, Mabizela Sfiso, Tshabalala Amme (2023). Selection tests and their predictive value in university nursing students’ success in the first year of study BMC MEDICAL EDUCATION, 2023, 176 (23) pp. 1 - 8. 10.1186/s12909-023-04140-4
Mukerenge Ndinohokwe, Schmollgruber Shelley (2023). Lived experiences of adolescents living with human immunodeficiency virus in Namibia International Journal of Public Health Science , 2023, 12 (2) pp. 812 - 821. 10.11591
Abeasi Doreen Asantewa, Nkosi Nokuthula, Suglo Joseph Ngmenesegre (2023). Well- being focused interventions for caregivers of children with developmental disabilities : A scoping review BMJ Open, 2023, 13 pp. 1 - 5. 10.1136
Majamanda Maureen Daisy, Chisoni Felix, Selemani Apatsa, Kearns Irene, Maree Johanna (2023).Paediatric oncology nursing education and training programmes: a scoping review protocol BMJ Open, 2023, 13 (E070694) pp. 1 - 5.10.1136
Deegbe David, Tshabalala Amme, Aziato Lydia, Casteleijn Jacoba (2022). Meanings of quality of life among people living with epilepsy in Ghana: a qualitative exploratory study. EPILEPSY & BEHAVIOR, 2022, 129 (108527) pp. 1 - 5. 10.1016/J.YEBEH.2021.108527
Botes Meghan, Mabetshe Lindokuhle (2022). Family presence during patient acute deterioration: A survey of nurses' attitudes and reflection on COVID-19 in an African setting. African Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2022, 12 (N/A) pp. 259 - 263. 10.1016/J.AFJEM.2022.04.012
Mabizela Sifiso, Bruce Judith (2022). Investigating the risk factors for academic difficulties in the medical programme at a South African university. BMC Medical Education, 2022, 22 (208) pp. 1 - 8. 10.1186/S12909-022-03274-1
Anim-Boamah Oboshie, Christmals Christmal, Armstrong Susan (2022). The Clinical Nursing Competency Assesment System of Ghana: Perspectives of Key Informants SAGE Open, 2022, 12 (2) pp. 1 - 11. 10.1177/21582440221089960
Msosa Annie, Bruce Judith, Crouch Rosemary (2022). Qualitative perspectives of teaching and learning in clinical skills labooratories in a developing country. International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences, 2022, 16 (100410) pp. 1 - 6. 10.1016/j.ijans.2022.100410
Oyelade Oyeyemi, Nkosi Nokuthula (2022). Psychosocial rehabilitation of individuals with schizophrenia: a scoping review protocol Systematic Reviews, 2022, 11 (32) pp. 1 - 9. 10.1186/S13643-022-01901-Y
Goretti Uwayezu Marie, Nkuze Bellancille, Maree Johanna, Buswell Lori, Fitch Margaret (2022). Competencies for Nurses regarding Psychosocial Care of Patients with Cancer in Africa: An Imperative for Action JCO Global Oncology, 2022, 8 pp. 1 - 12. 10.1200/GO.21.00240
Ngwa Wilfred, Addai Beatrice W, Adewole Isaac , Ainsworth Victoria , et al E, Geel Jennifer, Maree Johanna (2022). Cancer in sub-Saharan Africa: a Lancet Oncology Commission LANCET ONCOLOGY, 2022, 23 (6) pp. 251 - 312. 10.1016/S1470-2045(21)00720-8
Ketlogetswe Tinalipi, Jansen van Rensburg Jacoba, Maree Johanna (2022). The experience of caregivers of patients living with cancer admitted to a hospice in South Africa. International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 2022, 28 (4) pp. 164 - 171. 10.29868/IJPN.2022.28.4.164
Nachinab Gilbert, Armstrong Susan(2022). Unveiling how clinical nursing education can be improved in Northern Ghana: The perspectives of key informants. SAGE Open Nursing, 2022, 8 pp. 1 - 11. 10.117/23779608221097162
Danda Grace, Mavundla Thandisizwe, Mudokwenyu-Rawdaon Christina (2022). The role of women in promoting voluntary medical male circumcision uptake: Literature review Health SA Gesondheid, 2022, 27 pp. 1 - 7. 10.4102/HSAG.V27I0-1794
Lovegrove Josephine, Fulbrook Paul, Miles Sandra J. (2022). Use of a Sacral Foam Dressing to Prevent Pressure Injury in At -Risk Subacute Hospitalized Older Adults: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial Journal of Wound Ostomy and Continence Nursing, 2022, 49 (4) pp. 322 - 330. 10.1097/WON.0000000000000894
Oyelade Oyeyemi, Nkosi Nokuthula (2022). Expectations and experiences of family members regarding the rehabilitation of relatives with schizophrenia in Southwest Nigeria Health and Social Care in the Community, 2022, 30 (5) pp. 1875 - 1884. 10.1111/hsc.13617
Botes Meghan, Bruce Judith, Cooke Richard (2022). How Health Care Practitioners experience emergencies at Primary Health Care facilities - Kinks in the chain of survival African Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2022, 12 (4) pp. 423 - 427. 10.1016/j.afjem.2022.09.001
Miles S J, Fulbrook Paul, Williams D M (2022). Skin tear prevalence in an Australian acute care hospital: A 10-year analysis International Wound Journal, 2022, 19 (6) pp. 1418 - 1427. 10.1111/iwj.13735
Nachinab Gilbert, Armstrong Susan (2022). Quality of Clinical Nursing Education Programme in Ghana: Preceptors’ Perspectives Nurse Media Journal of Nursing, 2022, 12 (2) pp. 172 - 184. 10.14710/nmjn v12i2.46084
Achempim-Ansong Gloria, Tshabalala Amme, Gradidge Philippe (2022). Factors Associated with Improved Knowledge of Metabolic Syndrome in Female Market Traders. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022, 19 pp. 1 - 10. 10.3390/IJERPH191912256
Bruce Judith, Mboya MM (2022). Harnessing Capacity in Southern Africa to Support and Develop Human Resources for Nursing and Midwifery in Africa: Part I Project Description Africa Journal of Nursing and Midwifery, 2022, 24 (2) pp. 1 - 13. 10.25159/2520-5293/12413
Jansen van Rensburg Jacoba, Sichinga Tikondwe, Maree Johanna (2022). Health-related Quality of Life of Men on Hormonal Therapy for Prostate Cancer Africa Journal of Nursing and Midwifery, 2022, 24 (1) pp. 1 - 17. 10.25159/2520-5293/10597
Fulbrook Paul, Lovegrove J, Miles S, Isaqi B (2022). Systematic review: Incidence and prevalence of mucous membrane pressure injury in adults admitted to acute hospital settings. International Wound Journal, 2022, 19 (2) pp. 278 - 293. 10.1111/iwj.13629
Ogunkorode Agatha, Holtslander Lorraine, Ferguson Linda, Maree Johanna, Anonson June, Ramsden V (2021). Seeking Divine Intervention to Manage the Advanced Stages of Breast Cancer in Southwestern Nigeria CANCER NURSING, 2021, 44 (3) pp. 163 - 169. 10.1097/NCC.0000000000000789
Bally Jill M. G. , Burles Meridith , Spurr Shelley, Holtslander Lorraine, Hodgson-Viden Heather , et al E (2021). Keeping hope possible toolkit: The development and evaluation of a psychosocial intervention for parents of infants, children and adolescents with life limiting and life threatening illnesses Children-Basel, 2021, 8 (3) pp. 1 - 19. 10.3390/children8030218
Crowley Talitha , Mokoka Elizabeth , Geyer Nelouise-Marie (2021). Ten years of nurse-initiated antiretroviral treatment in South Africa : A narrative review of enablers and barriers SOUTHERN AFRICAN JOURNAL OF HIV MEDICINE, 2021, 22 (1) pp. 1 - 13. 10.4102/SAJHIVMED.V22I1.1196
Msosa (Nancy) Annie, Bruce Judith, Crouch Rosemary (2021). Effect of a formative assessment intervention on nursing skills laboratory learning in a resource-constrained country NURSE EDUCATION TODAY, 2021, 97 pp. 1 - 7. 10.1016/j.nedt.2020.104677
Fulbrook Paul, Mbuzi Vainess, Miles Sandra (2021). Incidence and prevalence of pressure injury in adult cardiac patients admitted to intensive care: A systematic review and meta-analysis INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING STUDIES, 2021, 114 pp. 1 - 14. 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2020.103826
Peacock Shelley , Bayly Melanie, Gibson Kirstian , Holtslander Lorraine, Thompson Genevieve , O’Connell Megan (2021). Development of a bereavement intervention for spousal carers of persons with dementia: The Reclaiming Yourself tool Dementia-International Journal of Social Research and Practice , 2021, 20 (2) pp. 653 - 671. 10.1177/1471301220909604
Lovegrove Josephine, Fulbrook Paul, Miles Sandra, Steele Michael (2021). Effectiveness of interventions to prevent pressure injury in adults admitted to acute hospital settings: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING STUDIES, 2021, 122 pp. 1 - 28. 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2021.104027
Burles Meridith , Holtslander Lorraine, Peternelj-Taylor Cindy (2021). Palliative and hospice care in correctional facilities: Integrating a family nursing approach to address relational barriers CANCER NURSING, 2021, 44 (1) pp. 29 - 36. 10.1097/NCC.0000000000000754
Maree Johanna, Holtslander Lorraine, Maree Johanna E (2021). The Experiences of Women Living with Cervical Cancer in Africa : A Metasynthesis of Qualitative Studies CANCER NURSING, 2021, 44 (5) pp. 419 - 430. 10.1097/NCC.0000000000000812
Bally J, Burles M, Smith N, Holtslander Lorraine, Mpofu Chris, et al. E (2021). Exploring opportunities for holistic family care of parental caregivers of children with life-threatening or life-limiting illnesses Qualitative Social Work, 2021, 20 (5) pp. 1356 - 1373. 10.1177/473325020967739
Tshabalala Amme, Ajidahun Adedayo, Mkhabela Tré, Bapela Phemelo, Majumane Constance, Msimango Tshepo (2021). Prevalence and factors associated with fear of hypoglycaemia among adults with Type 1 diabetes mellitus at an academic hospital in South Africa International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences , 2021, 15 pp. 1 - 6. 10.1016/j.ijans.2021.100367
Nkosi Elizabeth, Armstrong Susan , Nkosi-Mafutha Nokuthula (2021). Healthcare professionals'experiences of reviewers'conduct during incident reviews at public hospitals in Gauteng, South Africa International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences , 2021, 15(2021) (100349) pp. 1 -6. 10.1016/j.ijans.2021.100349
Dube Loveness, Nkosi-Mafutha Nokuthula, Balsom Ashley A, Gordon Jennifer L (2021). Infertility-related distress and clinical targets for psychotherapy: a qualitative study BMJ Open, 2021, 11 pp. 1 - 12. 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-050373
Maree Johanna, Khutjwe Joyce, Swart Norman Carl, Maree Lizle Michelle (2021). Cancer nursing research output in Africa 2015 to 2019. A scoping review International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences , 2021, 15 pp. 1 - 6. 10.1016/j.ijans.2021.100381
Oyelade Oyeyemi, Nkosi-Mafutha Nokuthula (2021). Living beyond the limitation: Rehabilitation, life and productivity of individula with schizophrenia in South-West Nigeria HEALTH EXPECTATIONS, 2021, 24 pp. 198 - 208. 10.111/HEX.13139
Obiora Oluchukwu, Maree Johanna, Nkosi-Mafutha Nokuthula (2021). A lot of them have scary tears during childbirth ... experiences of healthcare workers who care for genitally mutilated females PLoS One, 2021, 16 (1) pp. 1 - 15. 10.1371/JOURNAL.PONE.0246130
Anim-Boamah Oboshie, Christmals Christmal, Armstrong Susan (2021). Clinical nursing competency assessment: A scoping review Frontiers of Nursing, 2021, 8 (4) pp. 341 - 356. 10.2478/fon-2021-0034
Anim-Boamah Oboshie, Christmals Christmal, Armstrong Susan (2021). Nursing Students' Experiences on Clinical Competency Assessment in Ghana Nurse Media Journal of Nursing, 2021, 11 (3) pp. 278 - 293. 10.14710/nmjn.v11i3.39079
Ogunkorode Agatha, Holtslander Lorraine, Ferguson Linda , Maree Johanna, Anonson June , Ramsden Vivian, et al E (2021). The suitability of the health belief model as an assessment framework for women with breast ill-health. International Journal of Women's Health and Reproduction Sciences , 2021, 9 (4) pp. 249 - 257. 10.15296/ijwhr.2021.46
Ogunkorode Agatha , Holtslander Lorraine, Ferguson Linda, Maree Johanna, Anonson June, Ramsden Vivian (2021). Health-Seeking activities of women with advanced stages of breast cancer in Southwestern Nigeria: A qualitative study Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 2021, 25 (4) pp. 4617 - 4624.
Ogunkorode Agatha, Holtslander Lorraine, Ferguson Linda, Maree Johanna, Anonson June, Ramsden Vivian (2021). Factors influencing the health-seeking behaviours of women with advanced stages of breast cancer in South Western Nigeria: An interpretive description study. International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences , 2021, 14 (N/A) pp. 1 - 9. 10.1016/J.IJANS.2020.100273
Oyelade Oyeyemi, Nkosi-Mafutha Nokuthula (2021). Expectations and experiences of family members regarding the rehabilitation of relatives with schizophrenia in South West Nigeria . Health and Social Care in the Community, 2021, 2021 (00) pp. 1 - 10. 10.1111/hsc.1361
Loubser H, Casteleijn J, Bruce J (2016). The GAMMA nursing measure: Its calibration for construct validity with Rasch Analyses. Health SA Gesondheid, 2016, 21 pp. 11 - 20.
Crous L, Armstrong S (2016). The bloody truth: Investigating nurse phlebotomy competencies at a private laboratory in Johannesburg, South Africa. Health SA Gesondheid, 2016, 21 pp. 339 - 347.
Combrinck M, Maree JE (2016). The transition from palliation with anti-cancer treatment to palliation without anti-cancer treatment: the experiences of South African patients and their families. Journal of Hospice & Palliative Nursing, 2016, 18 (5) pp. 421 - 428.
Maree JE, Beckmann D (2016). “Just live with it.” Having to live with breast cancer related lymphedema. Health SA Gesondheid, 2016, 21 pp. 77 - 85.
Maree JE, Jansen van Rensburg J (2016). Suitability of quality-of-life outcome measures in palliative care in the South African setting. Palliative & Supportive Care, 2016, 14 pp. 18 - 28.
Botes M, Langley G (2016). The needs of families accompanying injured patients into the emergency department in a tertiary hospital in Gauteng. Curations, 2016, 39 (1) pp. 1 - 7.
Holtslander L, Duggleby W, Teucher U, Cooper D, Bally J , Solar J, Steeves M (2016).Developing and pilot-testing a Finding Balance Intervention for older adult bereaved family caregivers: A randomized feasibility trial. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 2016, 21 pp. 66 - 74.
Burles M, Peternelj-Taylor C, Holtslander L (2016). A ‘good death’ for all: examining issues for palliative care in correctional settings. Mortality, 2016, 21 (2) pp. 93 - 111.
Peacock S, Bayly M, Gibson K, Holtslander L,Thompson G, O’Connell M (2016). The bereavement experience of spousal caregivers to persons with dementia: Reclaiming self. Dementia, 2016, 0 (0) pp. 1 - 18.
Comiskey C, Mathews A, Williamson C, Bruce JC, Mulaudzi C, Klopper H (2015). Scaling up nurse education: An evaluation of a national PhD capacity development programme in South Africa, in the context of the global shortage of nursing graduates. Nurse education today, 35 pp. 647 - 652.
Ntinga SN, Maree JE (2015). Living with the late effects of cervical cancer treatment: a descriptive qualitative study at an academic hospital in Gauteng. Southern African Journal of Gynaecological Oncology, 7(1), pp.21-26.
Armstrong SJ, Rispel LC (2015). Social accountability and nursing education in South Africa. Global health action, 8 (27879), pp. 1 - 9.
Armstrong SJ, Rispel LC, Penn-Kekana L (2015). The activities of hospital nursing unit managers and quality of patient care in South African hospitals: a paradox? Global health action, 8 (26243) pp. 103 - 111.
Williams G, Fulbrook P, Kleinpell R, Schmollgruber S, Alberto, L (2015). Critical care nursing organizations and activities: a fourth worldwide review. International nursing review, 62(4), pp.453-461.
Langley GC, Kisorio L, Schmollgruber S (2015). Moral distress experienced by intensive care nurses. Southern African Journal of Critical Care, 31(2), pp.36-41.
De Villiers M, Maree JE, Van Belkum C (2015). The influence of chronic pain on the daily lives of underprivileged South Africans. Pain Management Nursing 16(2), pp.96-104.
De Witt P, Rothberg A, Bruce J (2015). Clinical education of occupational therapy students: reluctant clinical educators. South African Journal of Occupational Therapy, 45(3), pp.28-33.
Rispel L, Bruce J (2015). A profession in peril? Revitalising nursing in South Africa. South African Health Review, 2014/15, pp.117.
Chilemba EB, Bruce JC (2015). Teaching styles used in Malawian BSN programmes: A survey of nurse educator preferences. Nurse Education Today, 35(2), pp.e55-60.
Loubser HJ, Bruce JC, Casteleijn D (2015). The BETA nursing measure: Its development and testing for nursing utility. Health SA Gesondheid, 18(1), pp.1-9.
Maree JE, Langley G, Nqubezelo L 2015. “Not a nice experience, not at all.” Underprivileged women’s experiences of being confronted with cervical cancer. Palliative and Supportive Care 13, (2) pp. 239–247.
Maree JE, Molunda J (2015). "My experience has been a terrible one, something I could not run away from": Zambian women's experiences of advanced breast cancer. International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences, 3 pp. 24 - 30.
Maree JE, Parker S, Kaplan L, Oosthuizen J (2015). The information needs of South African parents of children with cancer. Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing. Published online January 2015. DOI: 10.1177/1043454214563757
De Villiers M, Maree, JE Van Belkum C (2014). The Influence of Chronic Pain on the Daily Lives of Underprivileged South Africans. Pain Management Nursing. Published Online November 27. DOI:Http://Dx.Doi.Org/10.1016/J.Pmn.2014.05.001
Lack ML, Bruce JC (2014). How Nursing Students Perform In Problem-Based Learning Tutorials - A South African Perspective. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 4.Maree JE, Kaila I (2014). Zambian Women's Experiences and Understanding of Cervical Cancer: A Qualitative Study. International Journal of Gynaecological Cancer, 24 (6), Pp. 1 - 6.
Maree JE, Langley GC, Nqubezelo L (2014). "Not a Nice Experience, Not At All": Underprivileged Women's Experiences of Being Confronted With Cervical Cancer. Palliative Supportive Care Pp. 1 - 9.
Maree JE, Schmollgruber S (2014). An Integrative Review of South African Cancer Nursing Research Published From 2002-2012. Curationis: Research Journal of the Democratic Nursing Organisation of South Africa, 37 (1), Pp. 1 - 10.
Mathibe-Neke J, Rothberg AD, Langley GC (2014). The Perception of Midwives Regarding Psychosocial Risk Assessment during Antenatal Care. Health SA Gesondheid, 19 (1), Pp. 1 - 9.
Matshela R, Maree JE, Van Belkum C (2014). Prevention and Detection of Prostate Cancer.
A Pilot Intervention in a Resource-Poor South African Community. Cancer Nursing, 37 (3), pp. 189 - 197.Perrie HC, Schmollgruber S, Bruce JC, Becker PJ (2014). Knowledge of Intensive Care Nurses in Selected Care Areas Commonly Guided By Protocols. Southern African Journal of Critical Care, 30 (1), Pp. 14 - 18.
Schmollgruber S, Bruce JC, Rachidi J, Becker P (2014). The Effect of Normal Saline Instillation on Cardiorespiratory Parameters in Intubated Cardiothoracic Patients. Southern African Journal of Critical Care, 30 (1), Pp. 22 - 27.
Mathibe-NekeJ, Rothberg AD and Langley GC (2013) A Reflection on the Psychosocial Component of Midwifery Education in South Africa. African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance. Supp1 P93-107
Hendrik J Loubser, J C Bruce, D Casteleijn. The Delta Nursing Measure: Its Development and Testing For Nursing Utility. Health SA Gesondheid; 18 (1)2013
Hendrik J Loubser, J C Bruce, D Casteleijn. The Beta Nursing Measure: Its Development and Testing For Nursing Utility. Health SA Gesondheid; 18 (1)2013JE Maree, A Mosalo, SCD Wright, It Depends on How the Relationship Was before You Became Ill”: Black South African Women’s Experiences of Life Partner Support through the Trajectory of Cervical Cancer.
European Journal of Cancer Care. 2013. P 1-9
R.F. Matshela, JE Maree, C van Belkum. The Prevention and Detection of Prostate Cancer. A Pilot Intervention in a Resource-Poor South African Community. Cancer Nursing. Vol 00 No 0. 2013.
G Langley, S Schmollgruber, P Fulbrook, JW Albarrran, JM Latour. South African Critical Care Nurses’ Views on End-Of-Life Decision-Making and Practices. British Association of Critical Care Nurses, 2013. P1-9
JE Maree, XM Lu, SCD Wright. Cervical Cancer: South African Women’s Knowledge, Lifestyle Risks and Screening Practices. African Journal of Nursing and Midwifery, 14(2) 2012. P 104 - 115 -
Langley GC, Egan A. The Ethics of Care in Bio-Medical Research Committees. Journal of Clinical Research and Bioethics 3(1) Pp107
ThurlingCH, Prevention Of Mother To Child Transmission Lay Counsellors: Are They Adequately Trained? Curations Research Journal of the Democratic Nursing Organization of South Africa 35(1) Pp1-7
MareeJE, TumS, Clarke M. Creating Awareness and Facilitation Cervical and Breast Cancer Screening Uptake Through The Use Of a Community Health Worker: A Pilot Intervention Study. European Journal of Cancer Care. 10 11111 Pp 1-10
Bruce JC. The Relationship between Burnout and Job Satisfaction among Registered Nurses at an Academic Hospital in Johannesburg. South Africa. African Journal of Nursing and Midwifery 14 (1) pp89-104
MareeJE, Combrink M de Lange T, Toerien A, Bedeker M. Incidence Severity And Management Of Cancer Chemotherapy Related Oral Muscositis In Eastern Cape And Western Cape. Health SA Gesondheid 17 (1) pp 1-7
MareeJE, Jansen van Rensburg, Van Belkum C. Quality Of Life From Perspective Of The Palliative Care Patient In A Resource – Poor Community In South Africa. 10 1017/S147895152000430 pp 1-8
MareeJE, Lu X Wright S. Cervical Cancer . South African Women’s Knowledge Lifestyle Risks and Screening Practices. African Journal of Nursing and Midwifery. 14 (2) pp 104-115 -
Langley, G, Schmollgruber, S Egan, E. Restraints in Intensive Care Units-A Mixed Method. Intensive And Critical Care Nursing, 27,67-75
J. E. Maree, X.M. Lu, B. Wright, S.C.D. Combining Breast And Cervical Screening An Attempt To Increase Cervical Screening Uptake. An Intervention Study in A South African, Journal of Cancer Care, Doi.10.1111/J.1365-2354.2011.01292.X
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