Expand your vocabulary
What constitutes GBV first and what is technology-facilitated GBV second – see the definitions we use
GBH/V means unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature or other unwelcome conduct based on the gender or sexual orientation of an individual. It includes same-sex harassment and takes on five prominent forms:
- Physical ( includes but is not limited to assault, rape, impeding or blocking movement, inappropriate touching i.e. kissing, hugging, patting, stroking, rubbing, starring)
- Verbal (includes but is not limited to comments about a person’s clothing, body, sexual or gender-based jokes or remarks, spreading rumours about a person’s sexual life)
- Non-verbal (includes but is not limited to Grooming, stalking, whistles, etc.)
- Visual (includes but is not limited to posters, drawings, screensavers, emails, and texts of a sexual nature)
- Technologically facilitated GBV (includes but is not limited to social media, sexting, email, and revenge porn)
- Abuse of authority/quid pro quo (someone in a senior position withholds or grants benefits on the basis of sexual favours)
- The threat of act of violence (this holds intention and is equivalent to the act being committed)
*Please note that these lists are NOT exhaustive
Common Tactics in TF-GBV
- Doxing: is the Internet-based practice of researching and publicly broadcasting private or identifying information about an individual or organization. Also includes contact details and place of residence (including student accommodation).
- Hacking : the unauthorised access to or control over computer network security systems for some illicit purpose.
- Threats : a statement of an intention to inflict pain, injury, damage, or other hostile action on someone in retribution for something done or not done.
- Image/Video based abuse : happens when an intimate image or video is shared without the consent of the person pictured.
- Impersonation: is when someone pretends to be another person.
- Unwanted messaging or posting: This includes sending bulk messages, excessively posting links, sexting, videos or images of a sexual nature. Also include spam (unsolicited messages).
*Please note that these lists are NOT exhaustive