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Title: A Love Letter to the Many

Sub-title: Arguments for Transformative Left Politics in South Africa

South Africa was the hope of the world. It had an impressive and rich tradition of left politics. At the heart of post-apartheid democracy-making was a revolutionary nationalist ANC, the oldest Communist Party in Africa, the SACP, and one of the most militant labour union federations in the world, COSATU.

Yet, South Africa is at a crossroads and many are deeply concerned about its future. This book explains through a political economy/ecology analysis why and how the degeneration of national liberation politics has happened, while making praxis-centered arguments for a new transformative left politics.

Author information:

Vishwas Satgar, Ph.D (2009), University of the Witwatersrand, is Associate Professor of International Relations at the University of the Witswatersrand, editor of the Democratic Marxism book series, and principal investigator for Emancipatory Futures Studies in the Anthropocene. He is an award-winning veteran activist.

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A Seed of a Dream: Morris Isaacson High School and the Struggle for Education in Soweto, 1956 - 2012

Morris Isaacson High School (MIHS) is widely known as the epicentre of the 1976 Soweto uprising. However, its legacy extends far beyond this event. This insightful book explores the rich, untold story of the school, revealing its profound impact on secondary education in Soweto.

While the 1976 uprising cemented MIHS’s place in history, Clive Glaser argues that its true significance lies in its unwavering commitment to quality education during a tumultuous period.

Author information:

Clive Glaser lectures in History at Wits University. He has published widely on the history of youth politics, youth culture, crime and sexuality in South Africa. He is the author of Bo-Tsotsi: The Youth Gangs of Soweto 1935 - 1976, co-author of volume 6 in the series From Protest to Challenge, entitled Challenge and Victory, 1980 - 1990.

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Migration, crisis and temporality at the Zimbabwe-South Africa border: Governing Immobilities

Only 15 kilometres away from the border of Zimbabwe, Musina is an obscure town in South Africa that the media cast into the public eye in the wake of the 2008 Zimbabwean economic crisis.

Taking as its starting point the arrival of thousands of displaced Zimbabwean migrants at Musina, this book presents valuable new perspectives on the temporality of migration and the governance of immobilities.

The author explores the role of humanitarian actors in supporting migrants and examines the outcomes of government-led activities in the longer term.

Author information:

Kudakwashe Vanyoro is Lecturer in the Department of Anthropology at the University of the Witwatersrand. He was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the university’s African Centre for Migration & Society (ACMS) (2021-3).

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The Ethics of Animal Beauty

The Ethics of Animal Beauty provides a novel account of the aesthetics of animals and explores the ethical implications of recognizing and admiring their beauty.

Samantha Vice argues that animation, the aesthetic property of being an individual with a subjective perspective on the world, is fundamental to any meaningful appreciation of animal beauty. 

If we properly appreciate animation, we are called on to respond to animals with respect, care, gratitude and wonder. Applying this idea to contemporary practices such as trophy hunting and taxidermy and to our lived relationships with (domestic) companion animals, Vice argues that the appreciation of animal beauty carries profound ethical consequences for our relations to our fellow creatures.

Author information:

Samantha Viceis distinguished professor of philosophy at the University of the Witwatersrand.

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Smuts & Mandela: The men who made South Africa

A book coverIn this controversial book, Roger Southall provides a re-evaluation of Smuts’ hugely contradictory career by proposing fascinating parallels with the life and political trajectory of Mandela. Both came to maturity as political leaders as freedom fighters – Smuts against the British and Mandela against the apartheid regime.

Both played a pre-eminent in founding a new South Africa, the first made for whites at Union in 1910 and the second for all South Africans in 1994.

Author information:

Roger Southall has taught in Uganda, Canada, the United Kingdom and South Africa, where he was a professor of Political Studies from 1990 to 2001, Executive Director/Distinguished Research Fellow Human Sciences Research Council from 2001 - 2007, Professor of Sociology, University of the Witwatersrand, 2007 - 2013.

He now lives in Cape Town, continues to write and walks dogs.

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Gift to the Struggle: Ma Vesta Smith and the everyday politics of liberation

This book reframes Ma Vesta’s legacy, celebrating her contributions while offering fresh insights into non-racialism, the politics of the everyday and the role of black women and Christians in the liberation struggle. A powerful tale of resilience and hope, it stands as an inspiration for contemporary movements seeking social justice and community empowerment.

‘This uplifting biography of a remarkable woman, a legend in the shadows, illuminates the multi-layered essence of humanity’s struggle, from the shoots of green grass to the limitless sky.’ – Ronnie Kasrils, author of Armed & Dangerous

Author information:

Maria Suriano is an associate professor of African history at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. Her research interests encompass life history writing, popular culture, colonial press writings, grassroots anticolonial struggles and transnational anti-apartheid solidarities.

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