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Honours in Organisational Psychology (AHA00) (AFAPSYC45)

Applications Open on 01 July 2024 and Close on 30 September 2024

The Honours in Organisational Psychology programme offered both full-time for 1 year and part-time (over 2 years) study which is conducted through Witsplus. The programme is aimed at students interested in applying psychology to various areas of work, such as industrial relations, human resources, organisational design and development and organisational research. Students are required to complete five compulsory modules including a research report on an approved topic. The five modules are: Research Methods in Psychology; Individual Well-being and Effectiveness at Work; Theoretical Foundations of Organisational Psychology; Group Processes in Organisations; and the Research Essay.

Research Essay (Psyc4044A)

Students are required to complete a Research Essay on an approved topic, which is supervised by staff members in the department. The execution of the Research Essay follows a structured, goal-setting approach. As such, regular research seminars are held in order to monitor progress.

Research Methods in Psychology (Psyc4045A)

This compulsory module focuses on the theory and practical use of research methods and analytic techniques in Psychology. The module integrates qualitative and quantitative research designs as a means to focus on the interpretation and critical analysis of a range of paradigms, methodologies, and practices in psychological research. Special emphasis is given to criteria of evaluation of research. Practical experience in computer-based analysis is gained in software for statistics and for qualitative analyses.

Group Processes in Organisations (Psyc4016A)

This module comprises four components. The Nature & Functions of Groups examines different group types and their roles in organisations, differences between teams and groups, different stages of group functioning, and important organisational groups in South Africa (including unions). Group Dynamics will cover conflict, power and justice in groups, and group decision-making. Management of Group Functioning will examine diversity in groups, leaders and groups, and the impact of the environment on group functioning. Finally, Assessment & Intervention in Group Functioning will explore different methods of and tools for assessing group functioning and group effectiveness, as well as group interventions such as team building and diversity management strategies.

Individual Well-being and Effectiveness at Work (Psyc4019A)

This module consists of two components, 'Individual Well-being at Work' and 'Individual Effectiveness at Work'. The 'Individual Well-being' component will look at issues related to the psychological health and well-being of individuals in the South African workplace. This component will therefore cover issues such as stress, emotion and emotional work, life stages at work, well-being assessment and diagnosis, and person-environment fit. The 'Individual Effectiveness' component will deal with issues concerned with an individual's psychological effectiveness in the South African workplace. These issues include work, job and organisation design, job satisfaction, work motivation, and training and development.

Theoretical Foundations of Organisational Psychology (Psyc4053A)

The course will comprise two interlinked components. The first component introduces students to a range of theories from areas such as clinical psychology, social psychology, cognitive psychology, organisational behaviour, organisational theory and management science that are relevant to the study and practice of Organisational Psychology. In the second component students will be required to apply their knowledge of the various theories covered in the first component to understanding different approaches to organisations. In this component the way in which the different theoretical perspectives have shaped organisational assessment, research, practices and interventions will be addressed.

Application for study 

Places on the programme are limited. Thus acceptance into the programme is competitive and is provisional upon the following criteria:

  • Completion of an undergraduate degree with Organisational/Industrial Psychology as a major, or a minimum of half of your Psychology major consisting of Organisational Psychology modules;
  • Good marks achieved at third year Organisational/Industrial Psychology level (please note that while University rules do not allow acceptance of students into the programme whose third year average falls below 65%, attainment of a 65% average is often insufficient to be offered a place due to a high demand for places in the course);
  • Principles of diversity

There are two steps to the application process.

  1. First, all applicants will be required to make an on-line application through the Wits central applications site (Student Enrolment Centre: SENC) by following links from the following site: Click Here Those wishing to study part-time should select the part-time option. This application requires that you upload an official copy of your academic transcript.
  2. Second, after the closing date you will then be emailed a link to complete the Psychology Departmental application form (hosted on the RedCap platform).

You will need to click on this link and complete the form after the closing date – 30 September 2024. If you are unable to complete the application in one sitting, please save your application and return to it later. If you experience a loss of Internet connection, the link in the email can be used to navigate back to your application – responses on the most recent page reached may need to be recaptured. Please retain the email invitation until your application has been submitted. The link will no longer work once you have submitted the application (by clicking ‘Done’ on the last page), and/or after the closing date 30 September 2024.

If you do not receive this email invitation and you have completed the central Wits application, please send an email to and request for the link (It is advisable to check spam/junk mail folders on a regular basis.).

The online application form will ask for information relating to demographics, type of high school attended, previous tuition funding, and marks from previous/current degrees.

NB: The closing date for completing the online departmental application form will be communicated on an e-mail that will be sent after the closing date of the 30 September 2024 for proposed study in 2025.

PLEASE NOTE: Your online application to the University via the Student Enrolment Centre (SENC) is incomplete until you have completed the departmental application form. Both forms are essential.

Application queries can be directed via telephone to Mrs Lauryne Lokothwayo (011 717 4541) or via email

PLEASE NOTE: It is unlikely that you will have heard yet whether or not you have been accepted into the Organisational Psychology Honours programme before the closing date for applications for financial aid. If you require financial aid, please apply for it in the event that you are accepted into the programme. You must make applications for financial aid separately to the Financial Aid and Scholarship Office  Many students accepted into the Honours in Psychology programme are eligible for the Postgraduate Merit Award, eligible students are selected automatically and will be notified on the student self-service portal once registered.

Details of this and other awards are available from the Financial Aid and Scholarships Office

The selection process and equity criteria

Applicant information is collated and assessed for the selection process. Given the large number of applications into the programme, selections are based purely on scrutiny of the documentation supplied. Potential candidates should also note that because of over-subscription a large number of students who meet the faculty minimum criterion for entry into a masters’ degree (65% average for 300 level psychology courses) may not be offered a place on the programme. The selection of candidates is based on academic performance as well as consideration of equity, diversity and social redress. The weighting of these aspects is to some extent dependent upon the nature of the applicant pool in any given year.  The demographic information requested in the departmental application form is collected in order to serve, in part, as a basis for evaluating applicants’ potential contributions to diversity in the course. This information also assists the selection committee to assess  applicants’ performance relative to levels of (dis)advantage. Note: The information you provide in this application may be independently audited to evaluate its accuracy. Knowingly providing false information will be grounds for permanent exclusion from all postgraduate degrees in Psychology at WITS. Selection is conducted by a small team of Psychology staff who are bound by the graduate selection policy guidelines of the School of Human and Community Development.

Based on the application review process, applicants are ranked according to marks and equity criteria. In the case of the Honours in Psychology course the top 100 applicants are shortlisted in October, then firm offers are made in mid-December based on final year marks. Non-Wits candidates will need to upload final year transcripts to their SENC online applications as soon as possible to ensure entrance into the course. Candidates who are waitlisted for places in the course will see a ‘decision pending’ status on their online applications. Waitlisted candidates may be contacted any time between December and February.

Those who have been declined places will see a ‘declined’ status.


Students selected into the Honours in Organisational Psychology programme will need to attend an orientation week (usually) in the January of your Honours year (we will notify successful applicants of the date and details).


Organisational Honours Queries

Mrs Lauryne Lokothwayo
011 717 4541


  1. Click Here to Complete the Online Form
  2. Click HereClick Here to Download the Honours application guidelines
  3. Click HereClick Here to Download the Frequently Asked Questions

