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FirstRand Foundation Chair

Professor Moinak Maiti, holds the FirstRand Foundation Chair in Financial Data Science at the Wits School of Economics and Finance. The Chair drives innovation and excellence in finance, data science, and business, collaborating with industry and mentoring future leaders. Professor Maiti tells us more about this journey of discovery and innovation in financial data science.

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South African Research Chair (SARChI)

Professor Cathi Albertyn holds the South African Research Chair (SARChI) in Equality, Law and Social Justice at the Wits School of Law. Her research focuses on the role of constitutions, human rights, and law in promoting social and economic justice, with a particular emphasis on advancing substantive equality.

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Wits PPS Chair in Health Economics

Professor Frikkie Booysen, Wits PPS Chair in Health Economics, researches health inequalities and access to healthcare. The Chair aims to inform policy and practice to improve global health and well-being, with a focus on the Global South.

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Chair in African Philanthropy

Bheki Moyo is an Adjunct Professor and Director of the Centre on African Philanthropy and Social Investment (CAPSI), which advances social change through knowledge, partnerships, innovation, and community engagement across Africa.

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Chair in Development Economics

The Derek Schrier and Cecily Cameron Chair in Development Economics promotes research on South Africa’s transition, focusing on sustainable development, democracy, macroeconomic policy, and corporate transformation.

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