Journal articles
Researchers at the SCIS publish widely in a range of accredited journals. Here is a selection of the latest work by our research team.
Researchers at the SCIS publish widely in a range of accredited journals. Here is a selection of the latest work by our research team.
Valodia, I., Joseph, S. L., Reddy, N., & Ewinyu, A. K. (2025). Exploring production-centred redistribution to addressing rising inequality. Development Southern Africa, 1-7.
Bowman, A., & Robb, N. (2025). Accumulation by Intermediation: The Contestation of Agro‐Food Capital in the South African Maize Industry. Journal of Agrarian Change, e12616.
Ponniah, U. (2024). We are religious, patriotic and self-sacrificial’: Baniya power, cohesion and wealth anxieties in India. Canadian Journal of Development Studies/Revue canadienne d'études du développement, 1-16.
Cottle, E. (2024). Fifty years ago, women led the Durban mass strikes. Review of African Political Economy.
Salverda, T. (2024). The colour of wealth concentration: the defence of economic privilege and multicultural ideology in postcolonial Mauritius. Canadian Journal of Development Studies.
Atria, J., Contreras, D. and Méndez, M.L., (2023) Tackling wealth accumulation in a context of social upheaval: the property tax in Chile. Canadian Journal of Development Studies.
Mazwi, F. and Chambati, W. (2023). Diversification of sugar production in Zimbabwe: wealth accumulation from below by outgrowers. The Canadian Journal of Development Studies.
Sklair, J. (2023), The win-win discourse of impact investing: legitimising accumulation for a new generation of Brazilian wealth elites. Canadian Journal of Development Studies.
Anand, I., Thampi, A., and Vakulabharanam, V. (2023). Wealth inequality: the Indian case. Canadian Journal of Development Studies.
Sachs, M., Ewinyu, A.K., and Olwethu, S. (2023) The government wage bill: Employment and compensation trends in South Africa
Taylor, J. (2023) Just an energy transition? A gendered analysis of energy transition in Northern Cape, South Africa. Agenda
Mhlana, S., Moussie, R., Roever, S., and Rogan, M., Informal employment: what is missing from national economic recovery plans? UNU-WIDER Working Papers 2023/92
Maré, G. (2023) 'Think More Clearly than the State Allows': Rick Turner's Challenge to the Present. South African Historical Journal
Mhlana, S. (2023) Precarious Work and the Gendered Individualisation of Risk in the South African Manufacturing Sector, 2002-2017. The Global Labour Journal
Dawson, H. (2023) Faking it or making it: the politics of consumption and the precariousness of social mobility in South Africa. The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute.
Dawson, H. (2023) Father-Child (dis)connections: Expectations and Practices of Young un(der)employed Fathers in Johannesburg. Sage Journals.
Webster, E., Schmidt, V., Mhlana, S., and Forrest, K. (2023) ILO Working paper 86. Negotiations by workers in the informal economy
Dawson, H. (2022). Living, not just surviving: The politics of low-wage urban jobs in South Africa. Economy and Society.
Castel-Branco, R. (2022). Le machamba, c'est pour la vie. Les contradictions de la paysanneerie au Mozambique, dans un context de précarité. Actuel Marx.
Francis, D., Joseph, SJ., Sachs, M., and Valodia, I. (2022). Black Economic Empowerment in South Africa: themes and research directions. Transformation.
Francis, D., and Valodia, I. (2022). Black Economic Empowerment in South Africa: introduction and a review of the labour market literature. Transformation.
Mashilo, A., and Moothilal, R. (2022). Black Economic Empowerment in the automotive manufacturing industry: a case for productive capacity development transformation. Transformation.
Cawe, A., Sachs, M., and Valodia, I. (2022). Dancing in Concert? Aligning Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment to sector strategies, structural transformation, and growth. Transformation.
Cook, S., Agartan, T., and Kaasch, A. (2022). Forum Introduction: Revisiting Targeting and Universalism. Global Social Policy.
Cook, S., and Staab, S. (2022). Introduction: 沙巴体育官网_2024欧洲杯博彩app@: Lessons for gender-responsive recovery and transformation. Global Social Policy.
Martinez Franzoni, J., and Cook, S. (2022). Seizing the opportunity to do things differently: Feminist ideas, policies and actors in UN Women’s ‘Feminist Plan for Sustainability and Social Justice’. Global Social Policy.
Webster, E., and Masikane, F. (2022) I just want to survive report 2022 A comparative study of food courier riders in three African cities. Johannesburg. Friedrich Ebert Stiftung
Francis, D., & Valodia, I. (2021). Inequality in the South African labour market: The political economy of the national minimum wage. Critical Social Policy.
Webster, E., & Kenny, B. (2021). The return of the labour process: race, skill, and technology in South African labour studies. Work in the Global Economy.
Castel-Branco, R., & Mapukata, S. (2021). Digitalisation and post-work utopias: A view from the global South. South African Labour Bulletin.
Webster, E. (2021). Informal workers and flexible organisation: Seizing the Covid moment. South African Labour Bulletin.
Webster, E., Ludwig, C., Masikane, F., & Spooner, D. (2021). Beyond traditional trade unionism: innovative worker responses in three African cities. Globalizations, 1-14.
Kenny, B and Webster, E. 2021 The return of the labour process: race, skill and technology in South African labour studies. Work and the Global Economy.
Mashilo, A.M. and Webster, E. 2021. Upgrading in Automotive Global Production Networks: Workers' Power in South Africa. Journal of Labor and Society 24 (2021) 525-555
Mashilo, A. M. 2021 'Collective Bargaining During and After Apartheid: Economic and Social Upgrading in the Automobile Global Value Chains in South Africa', Book chapter in Economic and Social Upgrading in Global Value Chains: Comparative Analyses, Macroeconomic Effects, the Role of Institutions and Strategies for the Global South edited by Christina Teipen, Hansjorg Herr, Petra Dunhaupt, and Fabian Mehl
Bishoff, C., Masondo, T. and Webster, Webster, E. 2021 Workers’ participation at plant level: A South African case studies Economic and Industrial Democracy. Vol. 42 no 2
Mashilo, A.M. 2021 ‘Technological Revolution in the South African Automotive Manufacturing Industry and the Role of Labour’: Book chapter to be included in: South Africa Confronts the Fourth Industrial Revolution era—Challenges and Possibilities: Case Studies from key sectors edited by the Institute for Global Dialogue submitted Institute for Global Dialogue.
McGregor, W. and Webster, E. 2021. Building a regional solidarity network of transnational activists: an African case study. Tempo Social. Brazil
Webster, E. and Forrest, K. 2020. Role of the ILO during and after apartheid. Labour Studies Journal.
Webster, E. Ludwig, C., Masikane, F. and Spooner, D. 2021 Beyond traditional trade unionism: innovative worker responses in three African cities. Globalisations
Webster, E 2020, ‘The Uberisation of work: the challenge of regulating platform capitalism: a commentary’. International Review of Applied Economics. Volume 34. Pp 512-521
Webster, E. 2000. ‘Rethinking the World of Work in Southern Africa: Building a Social Floor’, in Jan Fritz and Tina Uys (editors), Clinical Sociology in Southern Africa. Cape Town: Juta Publishers. Pp183-200
Webster, E and Ludwig,C. (2023) Contesting Digital Technology through New Forms of Transnational Activism. The Global Labour Journal.
Webster, E. (2020). Inequality, the pitfalls, and the promise of liberation in Africa-Shadow of Liberation: Contestation and Compromise in the Economic and Social Policy of the African National Congress, 1943-1996, by Vishnu Padayachee & Robert Van Niekerk: book review essay. African Review of Economics and Finance, 12(1), 293-298.
Webster, E., & O'Brien, R. (2020). Ten Years of the Global Labour Journal: Reflecting on the Rise of the New Global Labour Studies. Global Labour Journal, 11(1).
Webster, E. (2020). The Uberisation of work: the challenge of regulating platform capitalism. A commentary. International Review of Applied Economics, 1-10.
Webster, E., and Forest, K. 2020. The Role of the ILO during and after Apartheid. Labour Studies Journal: 0160449X20967098.
Webster, E., and Ludwig, C. 2020. Decent Work for All: Rethinking Decent Work in the Context of South Africa. Soziapolitik. Vol 2/2020.
Webster, E. (2020) "Revisiting the legacy of Neil Aggett." Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa 103, no. 1 (2020): 131-143.
Espi, G., Francis, D., and Valodia, I. 2019. Gender inequality in the South African labour market: insights from the Employment Equity Act data. Agenda. Vol. 33 (4) 44-61
Webster, A. and Webster, E. (2019). “Photo-essay: Jozi, the Precarious City of Gold. Global Dialogue 9.2, pp.50-5
Francis, D., Roberts, G. and Valodia, I. (2019). South African Manufacturing Firms in Transition. International Review of Applied Economics, vol. 33 (1) 71-92
Francis, D., and Webster, E. (2019). Poverty and Inequality in South Africa: critical reflections. Development Southern Africa, vol. 36 (6) 788-802
Francis, D., and Webster, E. (2019). Inequality in South Africa. Development Southern Africa, vol. 36(6) 733-734
Mosoetsa, S., and Francis, D. (2019). Framing Poverty and Inequality Studies in South Africa. Transformation 101
Webster, E. and Francis, D. (2019). The Paradox of Inequality in South Africa: a challenge from the workplace. Transformation 101
Schmalz, S, Ludwig, C and Webster, E. 2019. Power Resources and Global Capitalism, Global Labour Journal, (10)1
Webster, E. and Englert, T. (2019). New Dawn or end of labour? From East Rand to Ekurhuleni, Globalizations, 17 (2)
Webster, E and Forrest, K. (2019). Precarious work: Experimenting with new forms of representation, South African labour responds. International Journal of labour Research
Chatterjee, A. 2019. Measuring wealth inequality in South Africa: an agenda. Development Southern Africa, vol. 36(6) 839-859.
Sachs, M. 2019. Measuring wealth inequality in South Africa: an agenda. New Agenda Issue 75.
Webster, E. 2019. Confronting Inequality: The South African Crisis: A Review. New Agenda Issue 74
Volume 30, Issue 3, November 2022
We are delighted to present to you Gender & Development's November 2022 Issue focusing on 'Women, Work, and the Digital Economy'. Guest edited by Uma Rani and Ruth Castel-Branco, and co-edited by Shivani Satija and Mahima Nayar, this issue investigates the impact of digitalisation on women workers and the ways in which women navigate and assert themselves in this digital economy. It draws empirical evidence from diverse countries, including Argentina, Brazil, China, Ghana, India, Kenya, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, and Uganda.
Volume 109, 2022
Given its importance as the most far-reaching attempt within the legal system, to address the legacy of dispossession and discrimination in South Africa, it is somewhat surprising that there has not been a systematic analysis of its nature, form and impact of BEE in South Africa. The papers in this collection lay an initial assessment of the form, character, and impact of Black Economic Empowerment in South Africa in recent decades, based on data sources that have, until now, not been interrogated within the framework of the BEE literature.
Volume 109, 2022
Given its importance as the most far-reaching attempt, within the legal system, to address the legacy of dispossession and discrimination in South Africa, it is somewhat surprising that there has not been a systematic analysis of its nature, form and impact of BEE in South Africa. The papers in this collection lay an initial assessment of the form, character and impact of Black Economic Empowerment in South Africa in recent decades, based on data sources which have, until now, not been interrogated within the framework of the BEE literature.
The papers in this special issue highlight the fact that for all of its weaknesses, BEE has had an impact at addressing the nature of corporate ownership in South Africa and has significantly changed the racial character of some elements of the economy – for example, the nature of public sector employment, ownership in mining and other key sectors of the economy. But there is very little evidence that it has had much of an effect in addressing the persistent labour market inequalities which shape the lives of many workers. This special issue presents a new attempt at a wide-ranging, although not exhaustive, analysis of BEE broadly conceived. Together, the papers review the literature, methodology, and empirical effects of BEE in South Africa and provide a preliminary assessment of its impact in a number of spheres.
Volume 101, 2019
The Southern Centre for Inequality Studies is pleased to present a special issue of Transformation, focusing on poverty and inequality in South Africa. The issue is the culmination of two years of work by researchers at the universities of the Witwatersrand and Johannesburg as part of an interdisciplinary project examining poverty and inequality in contemporary South Africa.
In this focus issue, through a collection of articles located in different disciplines and employing different methodological approaches, we examine how work, households and space produce and reproduce poverty and inequality in South Africa. We are interested in the interactions between work and the broader society, and how these relationships are shaped by households, land and space. For work and access to work are not only the product of a set of characteristics of individuals but are shaped at the nexus of a number of social and economic forces: education, space, and the structural configuration of the economy. The articles in this issue provide a compelling analysis of the different understandings of poverty and inequality, and why they persist and are intensifying despite years of democracy and government policy interventions in South Africa.
Volume 36, issue 6, 2019
The Southern Centre for Inequality Studies is pleased to announce the release of a special issue of Development Southern Africa focusing on inequality in South Africa. The articles in this special issue arise out of the inaugural inequality conference of the Southern Centre for Inequality Studies, in September 2018. This special issue brings together papers focusing on two main areas. The first is on conceptual questions relating to inequality, including a philosophical examination of the entrenchment of capabilities inequality, the role of the constitution in addressing inequality, and how we depict and conceive of inequality.
The second section presents a rich collection of papers examining the ways in which inequality is produced and reproduced in contemporary South Africa. These papers present a truly multi-disciplinary approach to the study of inequality. The articles in this issue provide a compelling analysis of the different understandings of inequality and why it is continuing and intensifying despite years of democracy and government policy interventions in South Africa. It is our hope that the work presented here not only contributes to the development and growth of inequality studies in South Africa but also deepens the debate on how inequality can be reduced.