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Books chapters

The Southern Centre for Inequality Studies (SCIS) engages in various research projects in collaboration with multiple institutions. This includes publishing books and book chapters on inequality. Below are some of the book chapter authored by SCIS researchers.

2020 | Book Chapters

Valodia, I. and Francis, D. (2020). Tax and the informal economy. In Chen, M. and Carré, F. (eds) The Informal Economy Revisited Examining the Past, Envisioning the Future London: Routledge

2019 | Book Chapters

Edward Webster published a chapter titled: Rethinking the World of Work in Southern Africa: Building a Social Floor edited by Tina Uys and Jan Marie Fritz, in the volume Clinical Sociology for Southern Africa.

Jurgensen K. and Valodia I. (2019) Technological Change and the Future of Work—Some Issues from a Developing Country Perspective. In: Kathuria R., Kukreja P. (eds) 20 Years of G20. Springer, Singapore

Roberts, S., Klaaren, J. and Valodia, I. (2019). Competition and Regulation for Inclusive Growth in Southern Africa. Jacana Media.

Webster, E., Masondo, T. and Bischoff, C. Workers’ Participation at Plant level: the South African case. In Berger, S., Preis, L. and Wannoffel (eds.).  2019.  Companion to Workers Participation at Plant level: a Global and Comparative Perspective. London: Palgrave Publications

Scully, B and Webster, E. 2019. The Countryside and Capitalism: Rethinking the Cheap Labour Thesis in Post-Apartheid South Africa, in Race, Class and the Post-Apartheid Democratic State. Eds. John Reynolds, Ben Fine, and Robert Van Niekerk. UKZN Press. 
