As the only entity of its kind in Africa, RARI’s vision is:
- To embody the potential that African rock art has to inform indigenous history
- To enhance productive and energetic collaborations with institutes and research centres in Africa and further abroad
- To secure multiple streams of funding that support the Institute’s operations and the expansion thereof
- To form a diverse network of researchers that reflect the Institute’s social and working environment
- To continue to be a hub for rock art researchers from all over the world and to attract local and international students due to the Institute’s dynamic learning experience
- To develop digital technologies that contribute to rock art research and captivate the public imagination
RARI has a threefold mission:
- The Institute endeavours to convey to the public and academic community, the complexity, subtlety, and social value of South African and African rock arts in terms of indigenous beliefs, customs, rituals and life-ways.
- The Institute aims to teach and train future scholars and technicians to further the understanding and appreciation of rock art and to conserve it for generations to come.
- The Institute strives to record Africa’s fast-vanishing rock art heritage using all techniques at its disposal and to make these records available to the world via the online digital archive, SARADA.
RARI is dedicated to protecting rock art and consolidating its place at the centre of our nation’s heritage. In doing so,
- RARI is dedicated to the discovery and protection of South Africa’s rock art heritage.
- RARI is dedicated to the discovery and protection of Africa’s rock art heritage.
- RARI is dedicated to understanding rock art imagery in terms of indigenous beliefs and values.
- RARI resists all trivialising of our rock art heritage.
- RARI strives to maintain high ethical and professional standards in all its collaborations towards research, exhibition and conservation of rock art.
- RARI works with local communities, landowners and relevant stakeholders to ensure awareness and the protection of sites.
- RARI places itself at the forefront of achieving racial and gender equality in the workplace, in research and in all of its business, local and international. RARI promotes women in science as well as people of colour, especially as role models for future generations.