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Jatheen Bhima And Letlhogonolo Mokgoroane appointed in-house counsel at CALS

- Lee-Anne Bruce

CALS has appointed two outstanding candidates to join our team as part-time in-house counsel to lead strategic litigation across our programmes

The Centre for Applied Legal Studies is very pleased to announce that Mr Jatheen Bhima and Mx Letlhogonolo Mokgoroane have been appointed as new part-time in-house counsel at our organisation. We are thrilled to have such prominent public interest litigators join our team and look forward to welcoming them from September 2022. 

Jatheen Bhima has been a practicing advocate since 2015 and is currently based at the Pan-African Bar Association of South Africa. He has a history of litigating in the public interest, arguing before both the High Court and Constitutional Court in precedent-setting cases on socio-economic and environmental rights. Most recently, Jatheen successfully represented small fishing communities in interdicting an exploration company from conducting seismic surveys off the West Coast.

In the last year, he has also argued before the Constitutional Court on South Africa’s international obligations to address the victimisation of activists, especially those promoting environmental rights. Before being called to the bar, Jatheen worked at the Competition Commission and as an attorney. We are confident his skills, knowledge and experience will be invaluable in projects across a range of our programmes working to promote civil and political justice, environmental rights and corporate accountability.

Letlhogonolo Mokgoroane is a second year advocate holding chambers at Group One Advocates, who has already worked on a number of constitutional cases. This includes an amicus intervention at the Constitutional Court, arguing cost orders against victims and survivors of gender-based violence contribute to a culture of silence. They have represented CALS on two recent matters in our Gender Justice programme before the Western Cape High Court and the Malawi Constitutional Court dealing with survivors’ rights to freedom of expression and the criminalisation of consensual sex between minors respectively.

Before becoming an advocate, Letlhogonolo clerked at the Constitutional Court for Justice Mbuyiseli Madlanga and worked as an advocacy officer at Sonke Gender Justice and an advisor at Iranti.Org. They hold an LLM from the University of California, Los Angeles, through the Sonke Health and Human Rights Fellowship. We welcome their appointment to CALS and look forward to continuing our work together.

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