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SKA - A proud moment for South Africa

- By Wits Communications

Wits University issued a statement in May 2012 congratulating the Minister of Science and Technology, Naledi Pandor, on South Africa's successful bid to host the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) radio telescope. This major scientific coup enables Witsies involved with SKA to collaborate with leading scientists in Australia, which co-hosts SKA.

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Wits University hosts two South African Research Chairs in Radio Astronomy - the SKA Chair in Radio Astronomy, Professor Sergio Colafrancesco, and the South African Research Chair in Theoretical Particle Cosmology, Prof. Vishnu Jejjala and a range of string theorists and physicists who work in related areas. It is also home to astronomer Prof. David Block in the School of Computational and Applied Mathematics and Dr Clare Flanagan, Director of the Planetarium on the Wits Braamfontein campus.

Wits' expertise in Astronomy

Print media coverage on SKA

  • Pardigma-skuif kom vir Africa, sê ruimte-agentskap Die Burger: 26 April 2012
  • Potential for 'very exciting' discovery Cape Times: 30 May 2012
  • SKA project 'will not win a Nobel Prize' Mercury: 30 May 2012
  • SKA-besluit 'beste skikking' Rapport: 27 May 2012
  • SKA to unlock dark secrets, but unlikely to win a Nobel Sowetan: 29 May 2012
  • $2bn SKA to shine light on dark secrets The Times: 29 May 2012
  • Zuma hails Pandor, SKA team The Weekly: 1 June 2012
  • SA’s giant eye on the sky The Weekend Witness: 26 May 2012