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- By http://www.whatson.co.za/details.php?id=51951&event=Dencity

Resolution Gallery is proud to present ‘Dencity’, a collaborative exhibition by André Clements and Daniel Hirschmann.

Using their home cities of Johannesburg and London as inspiration and subject matter, the artists have created a series of works that are algorithmic cityscapes interpreting the ebb and flow of two rapidly growing habitats. Both cities have experienced aggressive expansion, swallowing their surroundings, leaving echoes of what came before.

Clements and Hirschmann have each programmed and built their own tools and techniques that capture and then portray these urban spaces. The images often transform elements of architecture while highlighting the fluidity of the city.

Stylistically the exhibition blends digital image manipulation technology with artistic paradigms such as cubism, painterly abstraction and post-abstract expressionism. The artists intend this as an integration, rather than mere combination, of elements and influences.

‘Dencity’ will be opened by Professor Christo Doherty (Head of Digital Arts, Wits University) and runs from 14th June until 13th August.

Cost: Free entrance

  Resolution Gallery

t  011 880 4054
e  info@resolutiongallery.com
w  www.resolutiongallery.com
a  Unit 4 Chester Court
142 Jan Smuts Avenue