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How academics can share and play with Wits’ new ‘toys’

- Wits University

Recent major research equipment acquisitions demonstrate the need and potential for proactive pursuit in the competitive research resources environment.

Students admire the new Leica DMV6 microscope 600x300

The acquisition of state-of-the-art research equipment is imperative in a research-intensive university such as Wits. 

The University’s Research Instrument Strategic Plan emphasises the central management of research resources at Wits. 

To enhance research quality and accessibility over the next decade, the strategy focuses on funding cutting-edge instruments, attracting eminent scientists, forging partnerships, and providing training.

Equipment grants secured by the University’s Research Office in 2024 totalled R56,700,000, from Germany’s Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW - Credit Institute for Reconstruction) Development Bank. 

The Kfw is an international organisation that works with partners in developing countries to identify projects which promote sustainable development. 

The Kfw grant to Wits in 2024 enabled the purchase of  research equipment including, amongst others:

  • An Enzyme Immunoassay multimode reader, cell imager and microplate washer. This is used to obtain a better understanding of biological function through the study of cellular dynamics.
  • An AKTA flux Tangential Filtration flow system, for biological filtration
  • A Viber Newton 7.0 Bioluminescence imager, which enables detection of light generated from lucieferase reporter activity in living mice. (Luciferin is a light-emitting compound found in organisms that produce bioluminescence).
  • A Beckman Coulter Cytoflex flow cytometer, which has three lasers and can be used for detection of 13 different cell markers at once.

Toys-4-all in 2024

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In 2024, the Research Office successfully funded around 50% of the medium/minor research equipment applications submitted by Wits academics.

Researchers across all faculties submitted a total of 50 applications (19 medium and 31 minor applications). ‘Medium’ applications refer to equipment that costs between R500 000 and R1,500,000, while ‘minor’ applications are for equipment that costs between R80 000 and R500 000.

“Of these, nine medium and 15 minor applications were successful, resulting in a success rate of approximately 50%,” says Dr Taariq Surtee, Head of eResearch in the Wits Research Office.

Students show of the new GENEActiv device 600x300

Research equipment procured in 2024 included spectrometers, antenna arrays, various health science research equipment, lasers, detectors, and other types of sensors. 

“In some cases, we purchased new equipment; in others, we upgraded our existing equipment,” says Surtee. “Moreover, much of the equipment can be utilized across multiple research disciplines. This presents an exciting opportunity for collaboration.” 

See the full list of research equipment available to Wits academics here.

Secrets to securing equipment funding in 2025

Tanbead nucleic acid extractor 600x300

At Wits, equipment is acquired primarily through three avenues:

  1. via an application to the University Research Office, which evaluates researchers’ proposals and allocates funds accordingly
  2. via an  application through the Research Office to the South African National Research Foundation 
  3. via an application directly to external funders.

The competition for equipment funding from the Research Office is stiff and so researchers are urged to also proactively seek out and pursue alternative equipment funding sources. 

“In many cases, we tried to work with the academics to improve their applications before the assessment process began,” says Dr Robin Drennan, Director of Research and Development in the Wits Research Office. “While the Research Office would ideally like to fund all applications, the University has limited resources, and we must allocate funds strategically to maximize research impact.” 

Wits researchers applying for equipment funding in future are encouraged to carefully consider their applications and, if necessary, contact the Research Office for guidance and assistance. 

“We urge our academics need to bring their A-game to their research equipment proposals,” says Professor Lynn Morris, Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Research and Innovation. “It’s a very competitive environment.”

Good research comes from the best equipment

The Research Office submitted five proposals to the National Equipment Programme for 2025. 

Should all five applications be successful, the University will acquire a wide range of innovative technology in engineering, physics, chemistry, and the health sciences.

Meanwhile, the University Research and Innovation Committee is working towards implementing the more centralised Instrument strategy to make Wits’ research equipment and instruments available to all academics and students.

This initiative includes providing laboratory pods and equipment, as well as advice and services related to data management and research software.  

“We are also looking to develop a fund that will help access large instrumentation in other countries that will simply never be affordable by one university,” says Drennan. 

For further information about Wits’ research equipment or assistance with equipment funding applications, contact
