Study Mathematics at Wits University
The School of Mathematics, within the Faculty of Science at Johannesburg’s University of the Witwatersrand, offers Majors in Mathematics under the faculties of Science and Humanities, and as part of the Bachelor of Economic Science in Commerce.
We have Honours, Masters and Doctoral programmes which attract students from across the African continent. The School has active research programmes in a wide range of fields. Please click here for more information.
Most of our graduates work in the financial sector, in mathematical finance and in the building of mathematical / statistical models of market and consumer behaviour.
Mathematics is the quantitative and logic structure that forms the basis of all analytical science. Such analytical reason also forms the base of modern economics and finance.
Undergraduate students should apply to the University through the Student Enrolment Centre SEnC, while MSc and PhD applicants should contact our Postgraduate Coordinators, Dr Ronnie Maartens and Chinedu Izuchukwu.
The School's administrative offices are located on the third floor of the Maths Science Building (MSB) (MSB319) on Braamfontein Campus West.
For all correspondences:
- Written: School of Mathematics, University of the Witwatersrand, Private Bag 3, Wits 2050, South Africa
- Telephone: 27-11-717-6244