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Juliet Maina

Research Associate, LINK Centre

Juliet Maina, based in Nairobi, is a Senior Manager in the Regulatory and Public Policy division at M-PESA Africa and a Senior Policy Advisor at Policy Impact Partners. Maina holds an LLB (Honours) (2010) from the University of Birmingham, and a Master's from the Wits LINK Centre's MA ICT Policy and Regulation (MA ICTPR) programme. She received a distinction in her Wits Master's, which was awarded in 2016.

Maina has worked in the ICT sector since 2010, including serving as Advocacy and Regulatory Manager for Mobile Money in the Mobile for Development unit at the GSM Association (GSMA), which is the global industry association for mobile operators.

Maina has an extensive network in the sector, and in 2020 introduced the LINK Centre to the African Advanced Level Telecommunications Institute (AFRALTI), a Nairobi-based training organisation with whom LINK is now building a relationship for training regulatory staff in East and West Africa. Maina is also supporting LINK's emerging work on artificial intelligence (AI) matters on the continent, and serves as an External Examiner for the Centre's Certificate in Telecommunications Policy, Regulation and Management (TPRM). 
