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Invited Speakers

We are pleased to present the list of confirmed invited speakers to ICOAM 2024...

Anand Jha Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur, Inadia Orbital angular momentum entanglement
Antonio Ambrosio Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia Engineered topological-spectral correlations in space-time beams
Christina Joerg RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau Structured light in 3D quantum simulators
Sonja Franke-Arnold University of Glasgow Measuring 3D structured light with atoms in large B fields
Marco Ornigotti Tampere University Nonabelian geometric phases, fibre bundles, and vector beams
Enrique J. Galvez Colgate University Inspired 3D beams
Carlos Hernández-García Universidad de Salamanca Attosecond vortex pulse trains
Etienne Brasselet CNRS, University of Bordeaux, France Singular acoustics: angular momentum at work
Robert Fickler Tampere University Spatio-Spectral Poincare Beams and Higher-Order Poincaré Spheres
Erik Hemsing SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory Bright, coherent OAM modes in free electron lasers down to hard x-rays
Yijie Shen Nanyang Technological University Optical skyrmions of free space-time
Antonio Zelaquett Khoury Universidade Federal Fluminense Symmetries and selection rules in nonlinear wave mixing with structured light
Andrey Surzhykov Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) and Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany Interaction of structured light with trapped atoms and ions
Miguel A. Alonso Institut Fresnel and Centrale Med (France), University of Rochester (USA) Measuring 3D polarization with a microscope
Lorenzo Marrucci Federico II University of Naples, Italy Spin-orbit quantum control of light by patterned liquid crystal devices
Christian Schmiegelow Universidad de Buenos Aires Atomic motion in structured light fields: from phonons to (super)kicks
David Ayuso Department of Physics, Imperial College London, SW7 2AZ London, United Kingdom Structuring light's chirality in time and in space for highly efficient chiral sensing and manipulation
Filippo Romanato Dept. of Physcs and Astronomy, Univ. of Padova  Highly-structured vectorial beams designed and generated by multi-layered multi-functional metalenses.
Mark Dennis University of Birmingham, UK Geometric Quantisation and Optics
Gustavo Cañas Universidad del Bío-Bío OAM beam propagation in next-generation optical fibers
Siddharth Ramachandran Boston University, USA Light guidance via topological confinement: long-lived photons in forbidden state
Peter Banzer Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Germany Measuring and generating structured light with reprogrammable photonic integrated circuits
Jonathan Leach Heriot-Watt University, UK Imaging group velocity delay of structured modes of light
Thomas Juffmann TU Vienna Electrons and photons – Imaging and Information
Cheng-Wei Qiu National University of Singapore, Singapore Metasurfaces for vortex generation, multiplexing, lasing and detection
Igor Meglinski Aston University Orbital Angular Momentum in Biomedical Applications: Navigating Complex Environments with Preserved Phase Integrity
Carmelo Rosales-Guzman Centro de Investigaciones en Optica Vector beams in curvilinear coordinates
Nikolay Zheludev University of Southampton, UK Optical Nonreciprocal Forces and Time Crystals
Miguel Ángel Porras Technical University of Madrid, Spain Transverse orbital angular momentum of spatiotemporal optical vortices, other fields, and associated phenomena
Siyuan Yu Sun Yat-Sen University, China Optical fibre communications using orbital angular momentum modes
Natalia Litchinitser Duke University, USA Shaping the Topology of Light and Darkness with Nanostructures
Thiago Guerreiro Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro – Brazil Optical trapping in a structured dark focus
Haoran Ren Monash University, Australia Nanophotonic manipulation of twisted light
Yaron Bromberg The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Photonics quantum computation with high-dimensional cluster states
Mercedeh Khajavikhan University of Central Florida, USA Guiding Trojan Optical Beams Using Lagrange Points
Jingbo Sun Tsinghua University Structured light generated from crystals with circular symmetry
Ahmed Dorrah Harvard University 3D structured light with flat optics: from visible to terahertz
Yasuyuki Kimura Department of Physics, Kyushu University Collective motion of hydrodynamically coupled colloids driven by optical vortex
Eileen Otte Stanford University Structured light meets functional nanostructures
Paulo-Henrique Souto Ribeiro Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina OAM interactions in Stimulated Downconversion
Harald Giessen University of Stuttgart Ultrafast vector microscopy of plasmonic skyrmions, merons, and skyrmion bags