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Code of Conduct

The organizers of ICOAM are committed to providing an environment that is conducive to the free and robust exchange of scientific ideas. This environment requires that all participants be treated with equal consideration and respect. While the organizers encourage vigorous debate of ideas, personal attacks create an environment in which people feel threatened or intimidated. This is not productive and does not advance the cause of science. All participants are therefore expected to conduct themselves professionally and respectfully.

All forms of bullying, discrimination and harassment, sexual or otherwise, are prohibited. This policy applies to every individual at the event, whether attendee, speaker, exhibitor, award recipient, staff, contractor or other. It is also a violation of this policy to retaliate against an individual for reporting bullying, discrimination or harassment or to intentionally file a false report of bullying, discrimination or harassment.

Bullying, discrimination and harassment of any sort by someone in a position of power, prestige or authority is particularly harmful since those of lower status or rank may be hesitant to express their objections or discomfort out of fear of retaliation.

We may take any disciplinary action it deems appropriate if, after thorough investigation, it finds a violation occurred.

What should I do if I experience or witness bullying, discrimination or harassment?

Individuals may be unaware that their conduct is offensive and are often willing to correct their behavior if so informed. If you experience or witness bullying, discrimination or harassment and feel empowered to do so, you are encouraged to immediately inform the individual that their comments or behavior are unwelcome.

However, we understand that direct confrontation is not possible or advisable in every situation. Please note that you are not required to directly address or confront a person engaged in offensive behavior. If you do not feel comfortable addressing the violator, or if the violator continues the behavior after being advised that their conduct is unwelcome, you should report the incident.

How do I report an incident?

If you wish to report bullying, discrimination or harassment you have witnessed or experienced, you may do so by contacting the organizers in person (if onsite at an event or meeting) or via email.

To ensure a fair and complete investigation, we cannot accept anonymous reports of bullying, discrimination or harassment. However, we are very sensitive to the potential ramifications of making a report and will maintain your confidentiality except where doing so would compromise another person’s rights or our ability to conduct a thorough investigation. In such cases, we will limit disclosure only to that information necessary to ensure proper investigation and compliance with procedures.

No retaliation will be taken or tolerated against anyone who makes a good faith report of bullying, discrimination or harassment to us.
