Finding Aids
Finding Aids are inventories and guides that list all the items that are held in our archive, thereby providing an entry point for the user.

The collections housed at Historical Papers include diaries, letters, memoranda, reports, minute-books, press clippings, pamphlets, photographs, drawings, maps, oral interviews, trial transcripts, and financial, legal, and personal documents. They are contained in various formats such as paper-based records, microfiche, microfilm, photographs, slides, negative and positive film, tapes, DVD and CDs, audiovisual formats, and digital formats.
Our main Guides provide a good entry point to all collections at the Historical Papers Research Archive at Fonds level, as well as full listings of our photographic, audio- and audio-visual material. Other finding aids are the inventories containing the archival description of larger collections. These have been uploaded at Fonds level in our digital repository in PDF format.
The Guides can be accessed and downloaded on our digital repository.