How you can help
Become a Home Interventionist or Deaf Mentor
At the core of the HI HOPES Programme is a collaborative partnership between the family and our Home Interventionists and Deaf Mentors, both of whom play a key role in supporting families as they learn to deal with the unique challenges of having a deaf or hard of hearing child.
If you have a genuine desire to serve others and feel you have what it takes to support families with Deaf or hard of hearing babies in your community, we offer training as a Home Interventionsit. Similarly, d/Deaf adults can train to become Deaf Mentors.
You will need to be able to relate to families from all walks of life. Ideally, you will have experience of working with children. A degree in Early Childhood Deaf Education, Speech Therapy, Audiology or Special Education is an advantage.
Click here to read more about the impact our home interventionists make in the lives of families and communities.
Join us! Send a copy of your Curriculum Vitae and a letter of application, explaining your motivation to be part of the HI HOPES Programme, to: Prof. Claudine Storbeck, Tel: 011 717-3750 E-mail: claudine.storbeck@gmail.com
Support a Deaf baby
The work of HI HOPES is made posible through the generosity of its donors. Support a child by donating to the programme, leaving a legacy, adding us to your My School Card or even fundraising or hosting an event for us.
Please donate to HI HOPES to enable us to continue our work.
Even small amounts cause ripples of hope and opportunity that spread in ever widening circles ... touching the lives of deaf children in ways you may never see or understand.
Thinking of entering a marathon or cycle race? Planning to climb Kilimanjaro? Why not use the opportuntity to fundraise for deaf children?
HI HOPES is registered with Doit4Charity – a website that allows you to set up a fundraising page – and then get all your friends, work colleagues and family members to sponsor you.
You don't have to handle any money yourself (it gets paid directly to us from Doit4Charity) and you can check on your fundraising page to see how much you've raised and who is supporting you.
You can also use Doit4Charity if you would rather friends and loved ones made a contribution towards Deaf children's training, instead of buying you a birthday or Christmas gift this year.
Be sure to select HI HOPES from the drop down menu of charities when you set up your fundraisng page. For more information, please click here.
Leave a Legacy
One sentence in your Will can enable you to help Deaf kids for years – even generations – to come
When you make your Will, you have a unique opportunity to help Deaf children in a way you perhaps can't manage right now.
Including a charitable bequest to HI HOPES is a painless way to give – since you don't spend any of your money now. Only when you no longer need it, does it go towards helping Deaf children acquire language.
A charitable bequest could even save money, by reducing the amount of tax payable on your death. Wouldn't you prefer to know that, instead of going to SARS, your money will be put to work to make a real difference in the life of a child born with a hearing loss?
Of course you will first want to make provision for your spouse and your own children in your Will. But, especially if your children are grown up and self-sufficient, leaving a bequest to HI HOPES could bring great satisfaction.
Types of bequests
A bequest is simply a sum of money or an item (such as your motor vehicle, home, jewelry, arts and antiques) that is given to a specific family member, friend or institution named in your Will.
In order to avoid giving away money and items you no longer have – and to ensure the value of your bequest keeps pace with inflation – a sensible option is to leave a percentage of your estate to each of your beneficiaries. Another option is to leave the residue (what is left after all taxes and other bequests have been paid) – or a percentage of the residue – to an organisation such as HI HOPES.
If you already have a Will
You can easily include a bequest to HI HOPES by means of a codicil, which is a document containing additional instructions that is read in conjunction with the Will.
Since a codicil needs to be properly worded and witnessed in the same way as a Will, you are strongly advised to seek the advice of an expert before making or changing your Will.
For more information about leaving a bequest to HI HOPES, please call Claudine Storbeck on 011 717 3750 or email info@hihopes.co.za.
My School
Make us a beneficiary on your my School card, you will be fundraising for us as you shop, without spending an additional cent!
Click here to access the application form.