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On behalf of the Faculty, we would like to provide an opportunity for companies and organisations that have supported the Faculty in research and training to exhibit/sponsor/participate in the 2024 Faculty of Health Science Research Day scheduled for the 5th of September 2024. We are issuing a call for the following areas of sponsorship:

  1. Sponsorship for prizes. The Faculty presents prizes in both the student and staff categories across each of the five themed tracks. The staff prizes are provided in the form of a travel grant award, with the view to assisting staff to present their outstanding research at a local or international conference (R20,000 Best Oral and R10,000 Best Poster). The student prizes include R5,000 for the best Oral and R2,500 for the best poster presentation. We are seeking prize sponsorship for all five themed tracks. The sponsor will have their company name associated with the Prize.
  2. Exhibition space. Previous Health Sciences Research Days have served as excellent opportunities for vendors to exhibit products and services. We are currently offering a limited number of exhibition stalls, at R20,000 per vendor to exhibit.

***Please note: All amounts stipulated above are exclusive of VAT***

We look forward to your participation at the 2024 Faculty of Health Sciences Research Day and Post Graduate Expo and assisting the Faculty in making it an enormous success. Your contribution will no doubt assist in the training and development of future Healthcare professionals.

Should you require any further information or would like to discuss any of the sponsorship packages in greater detail, please do not hesitate to contact –

