Virtual SIMS Facility
The virtual SIMS facility at the University of the Witwatersrand is the result of a partnership between the Helmholtz GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ), in Potsdam Germany and Wits; and was established to benefit the southern African scientific community by providing approved users with ±30 days, per annum, of free instrument time (on the Potsdam 1280-HR) via internet-based remote access.
Secondary Ions Mass Spectrometry (SIMS)
Ion microprobes, also known as secondary ion mass spectrometers, use a finely focused ion beam to sputter the surface of a solid sample. A small percentage of the material liberated from the polished surface is ionised, and these secondary ions are accelerated into a mass spectrometer where they are separated according to their mass-over-charge ratio. Ion microprobes, such as the Potsdam Cameca 1280-HR, offer five commonly used modes of operation for geoscience* applications:
*while most commonly applied to geological materials, these same techniques have applications in palaeoscience as well as materials science.