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Climate Communication Workshop

The Global Change Institute (GCI) and the University of Leeds recently co-hosted a successful Climate Communication Workshop in Cape Town for early career researchers.

Group photo at Milnerton beach (Lagoon Beach Hotel)

The Global Change Institute (GCI) and the University of Leeds recently co-hosted a Climate Communication Workshop funded by the British Council and the NRF (National Research Foundation). The funding was awarded to Professor Coleen Vogel (GCI) and Professor Suraje Desai (University of Leeds) under the Researcher Links Programme which provides funding for South African and UK researchers to host joint training workshops.

 Dr Julia Mumbo (CSIR delegate) and Dr Joseph Daron (Met Office)

After a rigorous selection process 12 South African and 11 British early career researchers were selected to attend the workshop. The delegates selected were affiliated to various universities and science councils in SA and the UK. Representatives from the Departments of Environmental Affairs and the British Council also attended the workshop.Mentors from left to right: Professor Coleen Vogel (GCI), Dr Katharine Vincent (Kulima Consulting), Dr Rachel James (UK mentor) and Professor Suraje Desai (University of Leeds)

Mentors Dr Admire Nyamwanza (HSRC – SA), Dr Katharine Vincent (Kulima Consulting – SA), Dr Joseph Daron (Met Office – UK) and Dr Rachel James (UK), together with Profs Vogel and Desai designed an engaging and interactive three day workshop for early career researchers from the UK and SA.

The programme included research sharing, career development, proposal development and other participatory sessions all with the premise of engaging, sharing and discussing climate communication opportunities and challenges – and how to communicate science effectively with stakeholders to bring about positive developments. Guest speakers Professor Bruce Hewitson (Climate Systems Analysis Group at UCT) and Darryl Colenbrander (City of Cape Town Municipality) provided the delegates with real scenarios to anchor discussions. The workshop also included a visit to the Elsenburg, Western Cape Department of Agriculture, where delegates learned about the SmartAgri project and a visit to the Babylonstoren estate.
