Entrepreneurship Clinic
The Wits School of Business Sciences (SBS) in partnership with the British council is pleased to launch the Wits Entrepreneurship Clinic
Located in Johannesburg, the economic and industrial heartland of the African continent, the Wits Entrepreneurship Clinic is well-positioned to contribute to social change in the region.
In partnership with University of Edinburgh (UoE), Tshimologong and the African Circular Economy Network (ACEN), the clinic will seek to:
1. Provide a clinic programme for Commerce students from the School of Business Sciences focused on experiential learning and evidenced-based management.
2. Develop students’ business acumen and improve their overall employability through exposure to and solving of business problems confronting student and informal entrepreneurs.
3. Accelerate viable entrepreneurial opportunities identified by both student and informal entrepreneurs through the provision of a student-centric clinic programme.
4. Establish and maintain a clinical footprint both locally and internationally through partnerships with key stakeholders in related entrepreneurial ecosystems.
5. Harness alumni support through the development of a targeted mentorship programme.
6. Use the clinic programme as a platform to encourage and support entrepreneurship research.
7. Develop a culture of and appreciation for entrepreneurship as a viable alternative to employment.
8. Champion and develop focal areas in digital and sustainable entrepreneurship in order to address challenges associated with the 4th IR and climate change.