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EBE Postgraduate Orientation Programme

: Friday, 7 Feb 2025 | Time: 09h00 | Venue: WAB3, ARM Building (Engineering)

Time Agenda Item Presenter
09:00 - 09:20 Welcome Dean: Prof. Thokozani Majozi
09:20 - 09:40 Roadmap through Postgraduate Studies Assistant Dean: Postgraduate Studies - Prof. Lizelle van Dyk
09:40 - 09:50 Introduction to Faculty Staff Assistant Dean: Postgraduate Studies - Prof. Lizelle van Dyk
09:50 - 10:10 Research and Innovation in the Faculty Assistant Dean: Research and Innovation - Prof. Geoffrey Simate
10:10 - 10:20 Break  
10:20 - 10:30 Introduction to Engineering Library Librarian: Ms Pinky Matai
10:30 - 10:40 Introduction to Architecture and Built Environment libraries Librarian: Ms Bongi Mphuti
10:40 - 10:55 The role of the ADU in the Postgraduate journey Director ADU: Prof. Rodney Genga
10:55 - 11:25 Soft skills and competencies to be a successful PG student in EBE ADU Team
11:25 - 11:55 Getting the most out of your postgraduate degree Prof. Ivan Hofsajer / Dr Desmond Klenam
11:55 - 12:00 Re?ections and announcement  
12:00 - 15:00 School Speci?c Orientations  