Equipment and Software
The Centre digitises an extensive range of materials, and to this effect it uses a wide range of scanners, software’s, and camera systems, such as the Contex, the CopiBook V-Shape, DT Atom, and Limb Processing, to mention a few.

CopiBook V-shape
This scanner is the perfect fit for the digitisation of fragile books, and its V-shape guarantees the harmless digitisation activities. And the perfect control of lighting on this scanner ensures the production of the best quality of images without glare. Metamorfoze full and FADGI*3 compliant.

1 X Contex HD Ultra X 6090 (60”)
This is the world’s first 60-inch scanner. The scanner has set a golden standard in the digitisation of large format materials, such as maps, posters, architectural drawings, newspapers, and so on.

SupraScan Quart A0- A0HD
This scanner is designed to achieve the highest level of image quality and productivity, and in doing so, it ensures a flawless and sublime document preservation. This scanner is Metamorfoze full and FADGI*4 compliant.

DT Atom
(A phase One camera System) for the digitisation of all types of film formats, glass plates, fabrics, and artifacts.

CopiBook Open System-A1
This is designed for large and on demand digitisation projects, for thick books, maps, and newspapers.

Avision AD8120P
Avision AD8120P and the Kodak Alaris S3120 Max Scanner for the digitisation of unbound documents.

2 x SL1000 Digital Film Scanner
For the digitisation of Microfilm and Microfiche

Limb Capture
Is a software used by the Supra Scan Quartz, CopiBook Open System and the CopiBook V-shape for the Centre’s Production activities. Limb Process is a unique application the Centre uses for its post-Productions processes, with features such as image enhancement, quality control document structuring, OCR, segmentation, metadata management and export.

Limb Maestro
Is a an application that complements the 2 above, which is used for the organisation and supervision of workflows in any digitisation Project.

Is a software used for the capturing of maps and other large format materials.