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SA Graduate Modelling Camp


Wednesday 9 January to Saturday 12 January 2019


African Institute for Mathematical Sciences 
Muizenburg, Cape Town
South Africa

Contact information

David P Mason

Organising Committee

Professor D P Mason, University of the Witwatersrand
Professor M Ali, University of the Witwatersrand
Dr Ashleigh Hutchinson, University of the Witwatersrand
Rene January, African Institute for Mathematical Sciences


The Graduate Modelling Camp is a 4-day workshop which is held the week before the Mathematics in Industry Study Group. Its aim is to bring graduate students up to speed for the Study Group. Participants should also attend the Study Group. Similar modelling camps are run the week before Study Groups around the world and are part of an international effort to apply mathematics to real problems especially from industry.


  • Each problem has a mentor.
  • The problems are presented on Wednesday morning by the mentors. The problems are inspired by problems that have arisn in industry and science. Some are taken from previous Study Group meetings from around the world.
  • The graduate students are formed into groups that work on each problem under guidance of the mentor.
  • Progress presentations are made at the end of each day. Scientific communication is an important part of the workshop and all participants are expected to make presentations.
  • Final progress presentations on all problems are made on Saturday afternoon.

Benefits to graduate students

  • Receive hands-on experience of mathematical modelling of real problems especially from industry
  • Exposed to a broad range of problem-solving skills including, mathematical modelling, scientific computation and the critical accessment of solutions.
  • Guidance under an experienced Facilitator.

Information for participants

  • Applications are welcomed from 2019 honours students, masters students and doctoral students.
  • There is no fee to attend the workshop but participants must register
  • Morning and afternoon tea, a finger lunch and a buffet supper are provided.
  • The Centre of Excellence in Mathematical and Statistical Sciences will fund participation, at the modelling Camp and the MISG, of one graduate student from each of the ten South African Universities in the Centre.

Presentation Reports
