Social and Behaviour Change Communication
The Master of Public Health in the field of Social and Behaviour Change Communication is a 2 year full-time degree or a 4 year part-time degree.
Students are required to take a combination of MPH and field specific modules. The coursework in part 1 of the MPH/DPH include five core courses and Planning and Implementing Social and Behaviour Change Communication. The core courses are aimed to reflect core competencies that are every MPH/DHP candidate should be equipped with; both as foundational content in preparation for their field of specialisation as well as for their general role as public health practitioners. Students in this field will also gain skills in designing and implementing social and behavioural change strategies, using a range of approaches, which aim to address key health and social issues such as HIV/AIDS, malaria, and maternal health. Students will also engage with the role of research in the design, monitoring and evaluation of social and behaviour change communication programmes.
Part I
COMH7100A Orientation to Public Health
COMH7047A Health Measurement I
COMH7221A Health and Society
COMH7222A Approaches to Population Health
COMH7223A Designing Effective Public Health Programs
COMH7048A Health Measurement II
COMH7226A Planning and Implementing Social and Behaviour Change Communication
Part II
COMH7046A Research Methods
COMH7225A Applying Social and Behaviour Change Theory to Practice
COMH7228A Social and Behaviour Change Communication Approaches
COMH7229A Communication, Media and Society
COMH7227A Research, Monitoring and Evaluation
COMH7101A Management in Health and Health Services
Part III
The following prescribed course extends over not less than one academic year of full-time study or two academic years of part-time study:
COMH7175A Research Report
Entry Requirements
- A bachelors degree of at least four years duration from Wits or another university or a bachelors degree followed by an honours degree with a minimum of a 65% average.
- Working experience or other valid experience may be required. Admission to clinical degrees not included.
Your application must be accompanied by the following documents:
- Written motivation by the applicant detailing reason for applying for the degree and how the program fits with their overall career goals - Motivation
- Comprehensive Curriculum Vitae including a description of relevant research and work experience
- Two referee reports - Referee Report
- Certified copies of prior qualification(s).
- Original transcripts of qualifications
- Foreign Qualifications:
- Evaluation from SAQA for applicants who graduated from non- South African universities.
- English competency certificate or evidence of prior undergraduate training in English.
- A bachelor’s degree of at least four years duration in dental science, medicine, surgery, nursing, occupational therapy, pharmacy, physiotherapy, Bachelor of Science Honours.
- A Bachelor of Arts or Sciences with Honours in psychology or sociology, social work or other field of relevance to public health.
University Application Process
- Applications are handled centrally by the Student Enrolment Centre (SEnC). Once your application is complete in terms of requested documentation, your application will be referred to the relevant School for assessment. Click here to see an overview of the Wits applications process. Refer to Wits Postgraduate Online Applications Guide for detailed guidelines.
- Please apply online. Upload your supporting documents at the time of application, or via the Self Service Portal.
- Applicants can monitor the progress of their applications via the Self Service Portal.
- Selections for programmes that have a limited intake but attract a large number of applications may only finalise the application at the end of the application cycle.
Please note that the Entry Requirements are a guide. Meeting these requirements does not guarantee a place. Final selection is made subject to the availability of places, academic results and other entry requirements where applicable.
International students, please check this section.
For more information, contact the Student Call Centre +27 (0)11 717 1888, or log a query at
University Fees and Funding
Click here to see the current average tuition fees. The Fees site also provides information about the payment of fees and closing dates for fees payments. Once you have applied you will be able to access the fees estimator on the student self-service portal.
For information about postgraduate funding opportunities, including the postgraduate merit award, click here. The University's Postgraduate Funding portal is a database of scholarships, bursaries and other funding opportunities available to Wits postgraduate students. Please also check your School website for bursary opportunities. NRF bursaries: The National Research Foundation (NRF) offers a wide range of opportunities in terms of bursaries and fellowships to students pursuing postgraduate studies. External bursaries portal: The Bursaries South Africa website provides a comprehensive list of bursaries in South Africa.