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A. Research papers in refereed journals

  1. M M Ali and L Masinga, A nonlinear optimization model for optimal order quantities with stochastic demand rate and price change. Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization. Accepted.

  2. J P F Charpin, T G Myers, M Lombe and P de Hill, Transportation of a water based slurry in an open furrow, launder or stream. Journal of the South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Accepted.

  3. A D Fitt, D P Mason and E A Moss Group invariant solution for a pre-existing fluid-driven fracture in impermeable rock. ZAMP (Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics). Accepted.

B. Proceedings of MISG

Each report is refereed by two independent referees

  1. Proceedings of the Mathematics in Industry Study Group 2004
  2. Proceedings of the Mathematics in Industry Study Group 2005

C. Masters students completed

  1. Mark C Jeoffreys
    University: University of the Witwatersrand
    Date: November 2006
    Dissertation: Subspace tracking, discrimination of unexploded ordinances (UXO) in airborne magnetic field gradients
    Supervisor: Dr N Pendock

D. Feedback from Industry

  1. Columbus Stainless Steel

    Dear Professor Ali,
    I would like to thank you for the Matlab application for the Cold Mills scheduling that you developed. The program is working well and provides us with a more scientific method to schedule the mills. This program will form the basis for our drive to increase the throughput at the mills.

    Cold Mills Process Development Manager
    Cold Processes

  2. CaterPlus

    Dear Gerhard

    Thank you kindly for your introduction to the MISG. The study group highlighted several interesting (and valuable) aspects for us, aspects that will reshape our business in the future. I have made several contacts during the study group, both domestic and international, and I shall continue to communicate with these people for some time to come. It was an extremely valuable exercise and we will strongly consider participating again in future, because of the differing insights the forum provide into our day to day operations.

    I look forward to discussing the MISG with you in greater detail in the foreseeable future.

    I truly apologies for the delay in my reply to you.
    Yours faithfully
    Martin Engelbrecht