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15 July: 沙巴体育官网_2024欧洲杯博彩app@ in context followed by an examination of the impact of the pandemic on children

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Presentation by Associate Prof Tamsen Rochat (DPHRU/CoE-HUMAN)
Child and adolescent mental health and brain development: Fostering resilience and promoting healthy development in the midst of the 沙巴体育官网_2024欧洲杯博彩app@ pandemic

Presentation by Associate Prof Catherine Draper (DPHRU)
Concerns regarding the impact of lockdown on children’s movement behaviours and early learning
22 July: The impact of 沙巴体育官网_2024欧洲杯博彩app@ on nutritional status and food insecurity

Video recording (in Zoom)

Presentation by Prof Julian May (CoE-Food Security)
An overview of the impact of lockdown interventions on food security in South Africa

Presentation by Dr Chantell Witten (UFS)
Policy analysis of the exacerbated children’s nutrition crisis and interventions that can be made

Presentation by Dr Elizabeth Kimani-Murage (DOHaD Africa & APHRU)
The impact in Kenya on food insecurity and its implications for Kenya’s child nutrition plan

Presentation by Dr Asmaa El Hamdouchi (CNESTEN-Universite Ibn Tofail)
The impact of 沙巴体育官网_2024欧洲杯博彩app@ on food security in Morocco: How accessible has healthy and affordable food been during this time? Challenges and recommendations

29 July: The unanticipated costs of COVID-19 to the NCD burden of South Africa/Africa

Video recording (in Zoom)

Presentation by Prof Abdallah Daar (DOHaD Africa & University of Toronto)
Is the 沙巴体育官网_2024欧洲杯博彩app@ risk to people with chronic non-communicable diseases getting the attention it needs?

Presentation by Distinguished Prof Lenore Manderson (Wits School of Public Health)
In the context of the urgency, diversion of funds, and fears of 沙巴体育官网_2024欧洲杯博彩app@, do we counter compromises to the continued care of people living with lifelong medical conditions?

5 August: 沙巴体育官网_2024欧洲杯博彩app@ and its socioeconomic impacts within South Africa

Video recording (in Zoom)

Presentation by Mr Zeph Nhleko (DBSA)
An overview of the economic impact upon South(ern) Africa and how an expanded infrastructure programme is crucial for the economic recovery from the recession

Presentation by Prof Imraan Valodia (SCIS, University of the Witwatersrand)
What are the possibilities for a more equitable, more resilient and more sustainable South African economy in the wake of the 沙巴体育官网_2024欧洲杯博彩app@ crisis and what will it require?

Presentation by Mrs Ilanza Perold, CPUT
What has been the socioeconomic impact of the cancellation in South Africa of major public events?

12 August : 沙巴体育官网_2024欧洲杯博彩app@ & the environment; and NIDS-CRAM wave 1 findings

Video recording (in Zoom)

Presentation by Dr Neville Sweijd (ACCESS, CSIR)
COVID-19: How the pandemic has created unprecedented opportunity and expediency in terms of climate change and pollution management

Presentation by Dr Nic Spaull, Funda Wande, University of Stellenbosch
An overview of NIDS-CRAM’s Wave 1 findings: Job loss, income loss and hunger

Presentation by Prof Rolene Burger, University of Stellenbosch
Risk perceptions and compliance with preventative measures: unpacking the findings in the recent NIDS-CRAM data
