Learning and Teaching in the Faculty of Commerce, Law, and Management
CLM Teaching and Learning Centre Staff
T&L Centre
Head: Teaching and Learning Centre | CLM Assistant Dean for Teaching and Learning0117178129Areas of research and supervision: Learning and teaching in higher education viewed through a Social/Critical Realist lens | Academic advising and advising practices for South African higher education contexts | Student success and support for South African higher education contexts | Academic literacies | Data and data analytics for informing and enhancing these spaces.Administrator: Teaching and Learning CentreAnuchca Kepkey0117178129
CLM Online Learning and Teaching Unit (COLT)
Head: CLM Online Learning and Teaching (COLT) | CLM Academic Director for Digital Learning0117178042Areas of research and supervision: Open and flexible learning in higher education, particularly in the areas of mobile learning and learning design | The effective use of technologies to promote quality teaching and learning | Professional learning opportunities for academics in this area.Project Manager: Online LearningFiona MacAlister0117171000Learning Experience DesignerFundiswa Ngomani0117179999
CLM Postgraduate Writing Unit
Head of Postgraduate Writing0117173007Areas of interest: Researcher development | Academic literacies | Socio-cultural approaches to writing.Areas of interest: Academic Literacies, Writing support, Reading support, Postgraduate support, Academic integrity, Research integrity
Road to Success Programme
Head: Road to Success Programme0117178162Areas of research and supervision: Students’ social experiences at tertiary institutions | Decolonisation of the university curriculum | Nuanced approaches to course design and assessment practices.Academic Advisor0117178129Academic Advisor0117178138