Research objective
A key objective of the Faculty of Commerce Law and Management (CLM) is to strengthen the research culture amongst its schools and to improve the research performance of its academic staff.
The Faculty Research Committee encourages individual research excellence and promotes collaborative research by providing academic staff and schools with a range of research incentives supported by professional research management practices.
The Faculty has a Research Office that is mandated to provide specialist support to research since it is the core activity of CLM and the University. The office develops new research capacity in addition to nourishing existing excellence as part of its implementation of the CLM Research Strategy.
The Faculty Research Committee provides opportunities and support to academic staff to:
- attend and participate in international and local conferences,
- undertake small research projects,
- apply for a professional rating by the prestigious National Research Foundation (NRF),
- be inducted into research as part of the responsibilities of every CLM academic
- and receive mentorship opportunities that are needed to develop research capacity and confidence.
The Research Office also manages research publications data as well as the research incentive accounts of Schools and individual research-active academics. To promote research output and encourage inter-faculty dialogue amongst academic members, the FRC helps to convene seminars and colloquia.
- Research in CLM Schools
Research Coordinators in CLM Schools
Assistant Dean of Research and Chair of the Faculty Research Committee (FRC)Tel: 011 717 8107
Volker.Schoer@wits.ac.zaSenior Faculty Research Officer: CLM Faculty Research OfficeTel: 011 717 8015
Selelo.Matimolane@wits.ac.zaSchool of AccountancyTel: 011 717 8227
Wayne.VanZijl@wits.ac.zaSchool of Business SciencesTel: 011 717 8090
Robert.Venter@wits.ac.zaSchool of Economics and FinanceTel: 011 717 8107
Volker.Schoer@wits.ac.zaSchool of LawTel: 011 717 8574
Carika.fritz@wits.ac.zaWits Business SchoolTel: 011 717 3660
Eric.Schaling@wits.ac.zaWits School of GovernanceTel: 011 717 3692Lecturer RepresentativeTel: 011 717 8258

Our Research
Our research changes the way we do business and how we practice law and economics. It influences the public policy that builds the public sector and it grapples with the economic and social challenges facing our country. It also enables us to transfer new knowledge to our curricula and ensures our students are at the leading edge of their professions.