BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//TERMINALFOUR//SITEMANAGER V7.3//EN VERSION:2.0 BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20170927T173000 LOCATION:Braamfontein Campus East Wits Professional Development Hub DESCRIPTION:Join us for a public lecture by Professor Jason Cohen and Professor Judy Backhouse.Smart People, Smart Cities
Professor Jason Cohen and Professor Judy Backhouse
The Information Systems for Smart Cities in Africa project ran from 2014 to 2016 and investigated the information needs and preferences of residents of Johannesburg and how these needs mapped to the city’s information services. This public lecture concludes the project, presenting three of the key themes to emerge from the research.
Our research highlighted the need to move the Smart City discourse from technology-focused to resident-focused. Key themes that emerged as specific to our position in South Africa and Africa included how smartness is understood, how smart cities can be inclusive and the importance of trust in developing the Smart City.
Obakeng Morapeli Matlhoko (Obby1k)
As an example of an African Smart City solution, Sowertech will showcase their Afta Robot smart taxi app and discuss the implementation challenges.
Wits Professional Development Hub, Corner Jan Smuts Avenue and Empire RoadsWednesday the 27th September, 5:30pm to 6:30pmRegistration and refreshments from 5:00pm
RSVP: X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:Join us for a public lecture by Professor Jason Cohen and Professor Judy Backhouse.

Smart People, Smart Cities

Professor Jason Cohen and Professor Judy Backhouse

The Information Systems for Smart Cities in Africa project ran from 2014 to 2016 and investigated the information needs and preferences of residents of Johannesburg and how these needs mapped to the city’s information services. This public lecture concludes the project, presenting three of the key themes to emerge from the research.

Our research highlighted the need to move the Smart City discourse from technology-focused to resident-focused. Key themes that emerged as specific to our position in South Africa and Africa included how smartness is understood, how smart cities can be inclusive and the importance of trust in developing the Smart City.

Obakeng Morapeli Matlhoko (Obby1k)

As an example of an African Smart City solution, Sowertech will showcase their Afta Robot smart taxi app and discuss the implementation challenges.


Wits Professional Development Hub, Corner Jan Smuts Avenue and Empire Roads
Wednesday the 27th September, 5:30pm to 6:30pm
Registration and refreshments from 5:00pm