The Unit for Undergraduate Medical Education (UUME) is the coordination hub for the Medicine (MBBCh) degree. Course coordination is managed by year of study, as follow:
The University of the Witwatersrand’s Faculty of Health Sciences established the Graduate Entry Medical Programme (GEMP) in 2003 to address the critical need in South Africa for well-trained, knowledgeable medical professionals who are able to provide health care services, often with very limited resources. The GEMP allows entry of suitably qualified candidates who meet certain minimum requirements into the third year of the MBBCh degree. This gives these candidates the opportunity to complete their undergraduate medical studies in a period of only four years after which they enter their internship and government mandated community service period. UUME is the operations hub and primary contact area for the students in GEMP. Click below for more information on: Medicine (MBBCh) /course-finder/undergraduate/health/medicine-and-surgery/ Graduate Entry Medical Programme (GEMP) /health/gemp/ |