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Journey to Employability and Economic Participation (JEEP)

Workshops, presentations and resources to prepare for the job search process and the world of work. To participate in these events students are required to join the Journey to Employability worksite on Ulwazi.


Unlock your career potential with our dynamic workshops, presentations, and resources designed to prepare you for the job search process and the professional world. Join the Journey to Employability and Economic Participation (JEEP) worksite on Ulwazi to participate in these events. 

The programme features a series of four impactful presentations aimed at enhancing your job search skills and employability. These sessions are available both in person and online to fit your schedule. Any changes to dates, times or venues will be communicated via the Journey to Employability and Economic Participation worksite on ULWAZI.

Join us on a journey to enhance your employability and acquire invaluable skills to boost your job search. These valuable sessions will provide you with the skills and knowledge necessary to navigate the job market and advance your career!

To join - CLICK HERE 


2024 3rd Block Presentations & Workshops

Wed, 17 Jul 15h00-16h30
CV & Cover Letter
Venue: WSS2, Wits Science Stadium, Braamfontein Campus West.

Learn how to craft a compelling CV and Cover Letter that not only catches the eye of potential employers but also helps you reflect on your career journey, strengths, weaknesses, and skills. Gain insights on how to present your experience and qualifications in a way that enhances your job search prospects. Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your job search documents.

Wed, 24 Jul 15h00-16h30
Job Interview
Venue: WSS2, Wits Science Stadium, Braamfontein Campus West.

Discover essential tips and techniques for preparing for job interviews. This session will cover how to effectively communicate your strengths, address your weaknesses, and articulate your career goals. Learn about common interview questions, strategies to implement to avoid pitfalls and strategies to make a lasting impression.

Wed, 31 Jul 15h00-16h30
Using LinkedIn to Enhance Your Brand
Venue: WSS2, Wits Science Stadium, Braamfontein Campus West.

Build and promote your professional brand online using LinkedIn. This presentation will guide you on how to leverage LinkedIn to showcase your skills, network with industry professionals, and advance your career development.

Wed, 7 Aug 15h00-16h30
Personal Branding
Venue: WSS2, Wits Science Stadium, Braamfontein Campus West.

Your personal brand is your professional identity. Learn how to package your qualifications, skills, goals, and career plans into a marketable entity. Develop a brand that reflects a positive image, integrity, and reliability in your job search and career growth.

Fri, 16 Aug 14:30-16:00
CV & Cover Letter
Venue: MS Teams (link will be shared with students who booked for the session)

Refine your CV and Cover Letter to effectively communicate your career aspirations, strengths, experiences and to stand out in the job market. This session will help you create job search documents that stand out and reflect your professional journey.

Fri, 23 Aug 14:30-16:00
Job Interview
Venue: MS Teams (link will be shared with students who booked for the session)

Prepare for job interviews with practical tips on how to present yourself confidently and professionally. Gain an understanding of key elements like self-awareness, learn how to answer common interview questions, discuss your strengths and weaknesses, and avoid common mistakes during the interview process.

Fri, 30 Aug 14:30-16:00
Using LinkedIn to Enhance Your Brand
Venue: MS Teams (link will be shared with students who booked for the session)

Harness the power of LinkedIn to build a strong professional network and enhance your career opportunities. This session will teach you how to use LinkedIn to highlight your skills and connect with industry professionals effectively.
