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GRP Events to Boost my Career

With webinars, events, presentations, and careers fairs, there is something for everyone. Whether you attend one of our premium career fairs or a more specialised recruitment event in a virtual or on-site format, there are many opportunities to learn about career opportunities. In addition to events that are offered through the GRP, there are other organisational career events that may interest you which may be offered on- and off-campus.

Career Fairs

Meet with a number of prospective employers on campus all in one day. The career fairs are industry specific. The following career fairs are planned for 2022; Engineering, Math/ IT & Computer Science, Accounting as well as a General All degrees careers fair. These are often scheduled from 08h00 till 15h30.

Virtual Career Webinars

Connect with prospective employers interested in recruiting from the Wits student talent pool.

Recruitment Events

Recruitment events gives you an opportunity to connect with organizations that are recruiting or networking for future opportunities in information sessions, company presentations, showcases and other events. These events also offer an opportunity to showcase your networking skills.

Company Presentations

These degree-specific presentations feature an employer representative/s who gives a brief presentation about their organization, the projects they work on, and their available opportunities. These presentations are usually scheduled during student lunchtime or after lectures. 1 Hour is normally allocated for the presentations which includes Q&A at the end of the presentation. Sometimes there is time after the presentation for a 1 on 1 consultation with the employer –this is a valuable opportunity for you to make an individual connection

Even though presentations offer a more casual environment than a career fair, be intentional with your plans when attending these employer information sessions. For employers that you are hoping to impress, pay attention during their presentations. Company presenters’ notice who is most engaged, and some of their information may spark questions you can ask later in the presentation or after the presentation, possibly during a job interview.


For Dates of Events CLICK HERE
