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Caring is a sustained emotional investment in an individual’s well-being, characterized by a desire to take actions that will benefit that person.  Caring ultimately is about actions. It is about taking time out from focusing on just ‘me’ and looking to see how can I improve somebody else’s situation or life without considering the benefit to self. Caring for others helps to connect people and build relationships, even in difficult circumstances. It also gives a greater meaning and purpose to our lives, helping us to refocus on the more important things in life – our humanity. 

Benefits of Caring:

  • makes a person more empathetic
  • build social-skills which are required by a well-adjusted adult
  • Develop a selfless attitude
  • gives you a sense of responsibility towards society
  • learn to sacrifice for some greater good to someone else which enhances values like humility

 Forms of Caring:

  • Unconditional love.
  • Wishing happiness and a good future life for others
  • Being there for the everyday things that makes life special
  • Showing kindness, love and fun to those who need it most
  • Showing compassion and having patience.