Raymond A. Dart Archaeological Human Remains Collection
The R. A. Dart Collection also houses a substantial collection of archaeological human skeletal remains from various archaeological and historical sites from across southern Africa. These remains were for the most part recovered during archaeological expeditions and mitigation procedures undertaken over the last century. The individuals housed in this repository represent an invaluable source of information; integral to the understanding of southern Africa’s diverse human history. Research on the collection is therefore welcomed. It should however be noted that strict institutional and national policies currently govern the access to and study of these skeletal remains to ensure responsible and ethical research.
Applications to study these remains can be made to the curator Dr Anja Meyer (anja.meyer@wits.ac.za).
The following documentation will be required when applying for access to the collection:
- A full protocol (max 10 pages) clearly setting out the aims and methodology of the proposed study
- A list of potential skeletons to be used for the study
- A completed and signed Archaeological Application Form specific to the archaeological human remains collection
- A signed Intellectual Property Agreement - Collections 2018 form