Contact us
Antiviral Gene Therapy Research Unit
Room 7Q07, Department of Molecular Medicine and Haematology,
University of the Witwatersrand Medical School,
7 York Road, Parktown 2193
Patrick Arbuthnot, Director - Patrick.Arbuthnot@wits.ac.za, +27 (0)11 717 2365
Abdullah Ely, Associate Professor - Abdullah.Ely@wits.ac.za, +27 (0)11 717 2561
Betty Maepa, Senior Lecturer - Betty.Maepa@wits.ac.za, +27 (0)11 717 2266
Kristie Bloom, Researcher - Kristie.Bloom@wits.ac.za, +27 (0)11 717 2465
Kuben Naidoo, Medical Scientist/Lecturer - Kuben.Naidoo@wits.ac.za, +27 (0)11 717 2465
Fiona Van Den Berg, Postdoctoral Researcher - Fiona.VanDenBerg@wits.ac.za, +27 (0)11 717 2465
Gladys Gagliardi, Laboratory Manager - Gladys.Gagliardi@wits.ac.za, +27 (0)11 717 2402
Tel: 27 (0)11 717 2561/2365/2467
Fax: 27 (0)11 717 2395
GPS: S S26° 10.623’ E28° 02.711’
From the Johannesburg International Airport:
Exiting the airport, take the R24 highway to Johannesburg. Continue along the R24 after it joins the N12 highway. Shortly after Gillooly’s interchange, The R24 highway becomes Allum extension and then Broadway extension. Turn right into Queen Street and follow this road past Bruma Lake. The road becomes Friedland Avenue and then bends left (up a steepish hill) and becomes Cooper Street (R33). At the Oldroyd Park (Athlone Girl’s High School), turn right into Louise Street. Follow the road as it becomes Grace Street, then Sylvia Pass and finally Goodman Terrace. At the robots, turn left into 8th Street (one way road). Cross over 8th Avenue. At the next set of robots, turn left into Louis Botha Avenue. Follow this road through about 12 robots. After passing through Tudhope Road and then going through another set of lights, the road bends to the left where there is a green apartment block on an island in Louis Botha Avenue. Immediately after passing this block, turn right into a small road that takes you back onto Louis Botha, but travelling in the opposite (east) direction. Take the first left into Boundary Rd., then the second left at the bottom of the hill into Carse O’ Gowrie. Follow the road through 1 set of robots (Sunnyside Hotel on the left). At the next set of robots, turn right into York Road (Wits Education Campus on the left). The entrance to Medical School (7 York Rd) is on your right at the top of the incline. The AGTRU is on the 7th floor (room 7Q07) in the Molecular Medicine and Haematology Dept.
From the M1 North Highway:
Travelling from the north of Johannesburg along the M1 south highway, take the Joe Slovo (old Houghton Drive/Harrow Road) off ramp. Drive straight along Joe Slovo through 1 set of robots, crossing over Houghton Drive. Take the very next slip to the right driving under the bridge that links St John's College with Roedean School. Turn right at those robots into Carse O’ Gowrie. Follow the road through 1 set of robots (Sunnyside Hotel on the left). At the next set of robots, turn right into York Road (Wits Education Campus now on the left). The entrance to Medical School (7 York Rd) is on your right at the top of the incline. The AGTRU is on the 7th floor (room 7Q07) in the Molecular Medicine and Haematology Dept.
From the M1 South Highway:
Take the Jan Smuts Avenue offramp when travelling from the south of Johannesburg along the M1 north highway. From the offramp continue straight through 4 sets of robots (the entrance to the Wits Education Campus is on your left at the 4th set of robots). At the 5th set of robots, turn left into York Road. The entrance to Medical School (7 York Rd) is on your right at the top of the incline. The AGTRU is on the 7th floor (room 7Q07) in the Molecular Medicine and Haematology Dept.