Transformation at Wits

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Social Justice Partners

We work in close partnership with other specialists and service providers tasked with the provision of services related to the transformation agenda of Wits University.

Gender Equity Office


A holistic and integrated office that deals with all aspects of sexual harassment pertaining to staff members (academic and support staff, including staff from subcontracted companies) and students. It is tasked with the following functions: 

  • Developing University policies and enhancing the coordination and understanding of relevant policies;
  • Raising awareness of issues and preventative measures around sexual harassment;
  • Providing psychosocial support and/or mediation services to staff members and students who have experienced sexual harassment; and
  • Investigating and prosecuting formal sexual harassment complaints within the University systems.

More on Gender Equity Office.

Wits Centre for Diversity Studies

Telephone: 011-717-4418 or 011-717-4137

The Wits Centre for Diversity Studies is based in the Faculty of Humanities at the University of the Witwatersrand. Through interdisciplinary postgraduate education, courses for the public, and research, WiCDS aims to build capacity to meet the challenges of diverse societies, especially in post-apartheid South Africa.

More on Wits Centre for Diversity Studies.

Counselling and Careers Development Unit (CCDU)

Telephone: 011-717-9140 or 011-717-9132

CCDU provides several services related to counselling and career development, including psychometric career assessments, personal development workshops, therapy, peer counselling, life skills development and graduate recruitment. It also provides HIV/Aids Education and Support to the university community.

More on Counselling and Careers Development Unit (CCDU).

Disability Rights Unit (DRU)

The Disability Rights Unit (DRU) at Wits works to create an equal, accessible and welcoming environment for all students and staff with disabilities.

We help students with disabilities receive reasonable accommodations in academic and non-academic programmes, create awareness of the issues and abilities of people with disabilities in the Wits community, and make the learning environment a rewarding and enriching space through the exceptional design of innovative learning and working environments.

More on DRU
