Transformation at Wits

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The Transformation Office offers mediation services to staff and students experiencing distress or conflict within the University community.

Our trained and accredited mediators are available to assist you in addressing conflicts with individual colleagues, fellow students, and individual teachers or administrators.

What is mediation?

Mediation is an informal yet structured process, where two or more parties to a conflict or dispute attempt, on a voluntary and confidential basis, to understand one another and reach an agreement to settle the conflict or dispute with the assistance of an independent and neutral third person; namely, a mediator.

 What types of conflicts and disputes are suitable for mediation?

  • Unfair direct or indirect discrimination
  • Bullying and harassment, including abuse of power and authority
  • Preferential treatment and favouritism
  • Intimidation
  • Unfair practices, such as withholding resources, unreasonable requirements and standards
  • Hate crimes
  • Verbal, physical, online and psychological attacks

Are you feeling isolated, left out, treated differently, picked on, victimised, unsupported, belittled, anxious, fearful, tearful, vulnerable, angry, upset, disappointed, abused or discriminated against in your relationships with fellow students, teachers or administrators, colleagues and co-workers?

Who are the mediators?

The mediators are staff members at Wits who have volunteered for an official 40-hour training course as mediators and have been independently accredited. Mediators act as impartial and neutral facilitators of the conversation between the parties in conflict.

Accredited Mediators UK CEDR Accredited
Dr Bernadette Johnson Yes
Ms Maria Wanyane  
Mr Ciaran Heywood Yes
Adv Neo Mahlako Yes
Dr Ida Risenga Yes
Ms Betina Fleming  
Mr Charles Gilbert  
Ms Shobna Morar  
Mr Aiden Mylchreest  
Prof Ames Dhai  
Dr Jillian Gardner  
Prof Kasturi Moodaliyar  
Mr Samkelo Nsibande  
Mr Mohamed Chicktay  
Documents for Mediators

Mediators at the University of the Witwatersrand are guided by the Code of Conduct. The document allows the individual understand the expectations of the mediator in the mediation process.

Mediation is managed by the Transformation and Employment Equity Office. Contact Cecilia Smith on 011 717 1462 or, for a confidential and without prejudice discussion about whether mediation could be of assistance to you.
