

Campus Housing and Residence Life

Campus Housing and Residence Life At Wits, our residences are living and learning centres. We offer a wide variety of residence accommodation, ranging from single-gender residences, catering residences, to mixed-gender residences. 沙巴体育官网_2024欧洲杯博彩app@
Campus Housing and Residence Life At Wits, our residences are living and learning centres. We offer a wide variety of residence accommodation, ranging from single-gender residences, catering residences, to mixed-gender residences. 沙巴体育官网_2024欧洲杯博彩app@
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Campus Housing and Residence Life (CHRL), a division of Student Affairs, is responsible for overseeing all aspects of the University's residence programmes, including accommodation and meals and the provision of recreational facilities and programmes to improve academic performance and holistically develop students within a residential environment.

NB:  Applications are done online and not directly at the residences.

Living and Learning Communities

LLC is a Residence Life initiative to enhance the academic and social success of residence students. Join Now! to be part of exciting communities, explore your passions and make a difference. Students in on-campus and accredited off-campus residences can apply and be part of the various communities.

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